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"Come on Vanya! You don't want to be late for your first day of school!" My mom shouts from somewhere down stairs.

"I'm coming Mom!" I shout back, throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans and an Of Mice & Men band tee.

I look in the mirror quickly, fixing my black and blonde hair to the side. I then carefully fix my makeup before racing down stairs. My mom was waiting by the front door.

"Oh Vanya! Are you excited? You're finally a Senior!" She squeals.

"Umm...sure I suppose," I mumble.

"You're going to be fine! Now hurry up or you'll be late!" She commands giving me a small push out the door.

I reach into my pocket and pull out my car keys. My shiny red convertable was already pulled up front. I slide into the passanger side and start the engine. This car was the best sweet 16th birthday gift ever. I slowly drive down the street and watch as my mom waves at me from the porch. This was going to be one interesting year.


Gerard's P.O.V

I feel my back smash against the cold locker. I slide down onto the floor only to then feel a pain in my stomach. Someone was kicking me repeatedly. I groan and roll over onto my side while clutching my stomach. Someone laughs.

"Aww is the new kid going to cry?" Someone sneers.

The boy standing over me has short blonde hair, a muscular face and is clearly a jock. Two other boys stand on either side of me. They grab me by my arms and hoist me up on my feet. I feel more and more pain stab through me. People walking by give me a sympathetic look but continue on there way.

"This oughta teach you not to mess with me newbie!" He says throwing a punch at my face.

The bell rings after what feels like forever and the three boys head to their own classes, leaving my sprawled on the ground. I groan as I get up and try to walk. My vision is blured but I manage to look at my schedule. My first class is Honors English in room A100. Great, I'm in all Honors classes this year. I'm gonna get picked on for being a nerd. I sigh as I look around the small hallway. I have no clue how to get

to my class.

"Hey, you're the new kid right?" A voice behind me asks.

I flinch before facing the short boy behind me. He had short black hair and tatoos and reminded me of myself a little. I nod my head and force a smile, just wishing this day would be over already.

"I'm Frank. Frank Iero. Do you need help finding your class?" The boy, Frank, offers.

I nod but stay quiet. I hand him my schedual as he directs me to my classroom. I slowly walk down the hallway and into the class room. This was going to be one long year.


Frank's P.O.V

I watch the new kid as he hands me his schedule. He has dark raven black hair, shoulder length. He's wearing a bit of eye liner. Not that I'm not used to it or anything. I wear it too. Maybe that's why he's trusting me. For some reason I feel like we'll be good friends this year.

I start my way down to my homeroom, peeking into the parking lot. That's when I spot her. Vanya, I mean, looking as beautiful as ever; but she would never know.


Vanya's P.O.V

I park my car in the student drive way and walk into the building. My homeroom was easy to locate, thankfully and I spotted my friends Kailey Oswald and Charlotte O'Harris standing in front of the door waiting for me.

"Hey guys!" I wave and they smile at me.

"Vanya, we were waiting for you!" Charlotte exclaims pulling me in for a hug.

"Charlotte, you're hair has gotten redder." I laugh and we walk into homeroom, but that's where I first saw him, the boy who would change my life forever and I would change his; we just didn't know it yet.


Lunch time was finally here and I was so hungry. I stand in the long lunch line and wait patiently for my turn. Drew, the football jock, or jerk, as my friends and I liked to call him stood in front of me. I finally picked up a tray and piled food onto it. I watched then as Drew tripped the boy in front of him. The boy, who I'd seen before in homeroom stumbles to the ground.

"Oops!" Drew sneers.

The poor boy trys to stand up but Drew pushes him back down. I look at the boy's face and see that it's bruised and his lower lip is cut. Drew laughs and the cafateria room joins in. I put my tray down and race over to the boy on the ground.

"Do you have to be such a dick??!!" I shout at Drew.

"Aww sweetie, I was just having fun!" He protests stepping toward me.

I step back and kick him in his crotch. He yelps in pain and bends over. He glares at me but backs down.

"You're such an arrogant prick!" I add as he waddles away.

I reach down to help the boy up but he recoils at my touch. He finally gives in and I help him stand. He grimaces but stands. Mashed potatoes are smeared over his shirt.

"What's your name?" I ask quietly.

"G-Gerard Way." He mumbles.

"Well Gerard, come with me. I'll help you get all cleaned up." I decide as I take his hand and drag him out

of the cafeteria, all the while feeling people's stares on my back.

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