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Vanya's P.O.V

I stifle a scream as Frank pulls the trigger. Gerard is by my side instantly. I bury my face in his chest a cry. He tries to calm me down, by whispering sweet nothing's in my ear but it doesn't help. He's gone. Frankie, my Frankie. The one who used to buy me ice cream and take me to amusement parks. The one who used to make me laugh so hard I would cry. The one who was always there for me. The one who always loved me.


Gerards P.O.V

Vanya and I stand there for a while just holding each other. Eventually it was time to let go. I walk over to Frank. Pieces of white paper lay beside him. I pick them up carefully, each one was labeled for someone. Me, Vanya, Mikey, and one was entitled Mom. I step away from the puddle of blood by Frank.

"Vanya, go sit in the car." I command. She nods and sobs as she opens the passenger sides door. I whip out my phone and dial 911.

"Hello. whats the emergency?" A female voice asks.

"There was a suicide..."


Vanya's P.O.V

Gerard and I are driving back to his house. The police had interrogated us for an hour but finally let us go. Franks mother was contacted and she was on her way to the site. Gerard and I sit in silence. We pull into his driveway and walk into his house. Mikey meets us by the door smiling, unknowing that one of his best friends died only and hour ago. Gerard hands him something and whispers into his ear. Mikey's smile drops. Gerard takes my hand and takes me to his room. He sits me on his bed and kneels in front of me.

"Here." He says handing me a white paper like Mikey's.

It was a note, with my name on it. I sighed and opened it slowly with shakey hands.


Where do I even begin? Freshman year maybe? I remember when we first met. At the water fountain when people were kicking me, in fact I think it was Drew. You were the only one in a crowd of people who stood up for me. I knew right then, that we would be the best of friends. After that we ran into each other at the mall. That same day, actually. We talked and I made you laugh...you have such a beautiful laugh. I wanted to hear it more often. You left though, sophomore year. You began to hang out with Kailey and Charlotte, but I never forgot about you. I watched out for you. I felt lost without you. Like I was all alone all over again. I left those roses in your locker on Valentines day...I didn't realize that you had given your locker combination to multiple people, you didn't even realize it was from me. You thought it was from that loser Jordan.

This year, as a senior I though that you would remember me. We could be friends again. But you met Gerard. It was like watching what happened to me freshman year, except it killed because it was him and not me. I wanted you to look at me that way...I was too late. I befriended him, testing him in ways you wouldn't understand. Pretending to be drunk at parties to see if he would start drinking...he failed that test. But when I saw him stick up for you to your mother...I knew he was the one for you. Though I hate to admit it. But that night when I saw you crying at the hospital over him, it broke my heart. I never want to see you sad. And then when I kissed you....I remembered why I fell in love with you in the first place.

I'm doing this for you. So you and Gerard can be happy together without me interfering. So that I'm not in the way, and so that I can be free myself. Don't cry too hard over me. I don't deserve it. I will be your guardian angel if I get to heaven. Or more likely, Hell. I love you forever and always but this is what I needed. I'm sorry.

But you need to love Gerard, because he loves you. He looks at you the way I used to and he loves you all the same.

Forgive and Forget,


My tears drip through the paper and I burst into tears again.

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