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I led Gerard into the girls bathroom and locked the door behind us. He followed me to the sink.

"This is the girls bathroom!" He complained.

"Yes and it happens to be much cleaner than the boys." I reply.

I start fixing the cut on his lip by dabbing the blood with a wet paper towel. Gerard winces when he feels the pressure.

"How would you know?" He asks suddenly.

"How would I know what?" I ask back.

"That the girls bathroom is cleaner." He replies.

I smile and shrug, "Isn't it always?" I counter.

He looks thoughtful before slowly nodding, as though he was really pondering the idea. "What's your name?" He asks.

"Vanya," I respond. "Well Gerard I need you to take off your shirt so I can get all the mashed potatoes off of it."

"Wow, we've only known each other for less than five minutes and you're already asking me to undress!" He exclaims.

"Shut up Gee!" I shout, playfully hitting him in the arm.

"Oww! And did you call me Gee?"

"Well...yeah. Gerard is a bit long, but if you don't like Gee then-"

"No it's fine!"

Gerard slowly takes off his shirt as though he was performing a strip tease and I groan. He finally hands his shirt over and I begin to scrub it.

"So why is Drew after you?" I question.

"Drew? Oh, I'm not sure. He just doesn't want me getting in his way of something."

"Why were you trying out for football?"

"No, there's no threat there. I'd only be a threat if he was trying out for a glee club...not to brag or anything but I've been told that I'm a pretty amazing singer."

"Conceded much?" I laugh.

"Not really." he laughs back.

"Where did you go to school before?"

"Belleville New Jersey. Belleville High was my old school. But I got picked on a lot so it doesn't matter..."

I finish washing off his shirt and begin to pat dry it. I look at him and nod my head in understanding. "I

see," I say quietly.

"I was always depressed, from the bullying...but I'm over it now." He promises.

"I feel as though that last statement isn't entirely true." I push, trying to make eye contact.

"I may still be partially depressed, but you can't tell anyone! I can't have my parents worrying anymore than they do. Especially my younger brother." He pleads.

"Scouts honor," I promise, giving him a small salute. "you have a brother?"

"Yeah, his name is Mikey."

"Does he go here?"

"No, he got a scholarship to some prestigious private school." he explains.

I nod my head and listen to him as he tells me all about his younger brother Mikey. I laugh on ocassion and realize that he has a beautiful voice.

"So, Vanya, it's your turn." Gerard says suddenly.

"My turn?" I ask.

"To tell me about yourself." he clarifies.

"Well, there isn't much to tell. My mum and dad got a divorce when I was 6 and I never saw or heard from him again, which my mum claims to be for the best. I love music and I used to switch schools every year until I started highschool. I used to get bullied a lot for being 'emo' but then I met Kailey and Charlotte and they've been my best friends ever since." I ramble, pausing every now and then for a breath.

Gerard and I continued to make small talk untill a small knock on the bathroom door startled me.

"Vanya? Are you in there?" A small girl voice asked.

I immediately recognized it as my friend Charlotte's. I race over to the door and yank it open.

"Charlotte, meet Gerard."


Gerard's P.O.V

The small red head girl slowly entered the bathroom and Vanya was quick to lock the bathroom door. The girl Charlotte gave me a sympathetic smile and giggled. I looked down and felt my face getting red. Vanya still had my shirt. Vanya must have noticed because she quickly handed my shirt over and I hurridly put it on.

"Well Charlotte, now that you've met Gerard, is there something you needed?" Vanya asks turning to face her friend.

"No. Well actually...you know that we have that party every year to begin the school year, are you going?"

"I suppose."

"Great, bring Gerard!" Charlotte squeals and then rushes out the door.

Vanya turns to me, "We should probably head to our classes."

I nod, "See you at the party?"

"Of course!" She gushes.

We both exit the bathroom and head our separate ways. I spot Drew in the hallway and he pushes into me as he passes, but not before spitting in my face.

"You're so pathetic, having a girl stand up for you!" He sneers.

I put my head down and walk away, suddenly realising that Vanya was right. I was still depressed, and it was getting worse.

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