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Vanya's P.O.V

Kailey and I are walking through the mall with bags filling our hands. Gerard went out to spend the day with his friend Frank, so Kailey

and I thought that it would be a good chance to finally hang out.

"You know, I'm sorry about how rude Drew can be towards you and Gerard. I for one am happy that you finally found someone that

makes you happy." She says.

"I'm happy for you and Drew even though he can be a dic-"

"Vanya." She warns.

"Haha I'm just kidding. But seriously, you guys seem happy together so I'm happy for you."

"That's good to know because..."


"He asked me to marry him..."


"And I may have said yes..."

"OMG...do your parents know?"

"Not yet."

"When are you going to tell them? Kailey, this is big!"

"I know, I know. I'm just nervous to how they will react."

I look shocked, "You're actually nervous for once? Your always outgoing and all...this may be a big thing but this is important. Your

parents deserve to know."

"I don't want my parents to be mad and..." She trails off.

"and what? Disown you?"

"I didn't mea-"

"Save it. It doesn't matter."

Kailey looks thoughtful, "I was wondering if you would be one of my brides maids...you and Charlotte."


"Of course! You've always been there for me so why not at my wedding too?"

"Of course I will Kailey!"

"Great, and Char and I will be bridesmaids at your wedding!"

"I'm not getting married."

She shrugs, "Not yet."

"What does that mean?"

"A girl hears things..." She says giving me a sly grin.


Gerard's P.O.V

I spent the day with Frank. He was a very interesting person when he was sober. We talked for hours and are now sitting on my front porch laughing at stupid little things. A blue van pulls up front of Vanya's house. Her mother steps out and walks up her own front


"Hello!" I call out, she turns slowly. "Don't worry about Vanya. She's doing just fine!"

"I wasn't worried." She says coldly.

"We'll you should be, she is your daughter."

"I don't have a daughter, and I deffinatley don't know a Vanya. Now if you will excuse me." She steps inside of her house and slams the

door shut.

Frank and I exchange glances.


Vanya's P.O.V

"Gerard! I'm home!" I call out. His figure steps out in front of me and he leans against his bedrooms door frame. He has a small smile

on his lips.

"What's so funny Gee?"

"You said, 'Im home' when you called for me."

"Well, I consider this to be my home since my mom disowned me."

"Speaking of which, I saw her today when Frank was over."

"Really? Did she say anything?"

"....She claims that you were never her daughter and that she doesn't even know you."

"Typical...oh, Kailey told me that her and Drew are getting married after they graduate."

"Send my condolences to the bride."

I roll my eyes, "she asked me to be one of her bridesmaids."

"Well that will be...fun."

"hahaha, shut up! Kailey is one of my best friends and I will be there for her no matter what!"

Gerard suddenly looks thoughtful. "What are we going to do when we graduate?"

"I haven't really thought about it Gee."

"If we go to different colleges we may never see eachother."

"I don't even know if I want to go to college..."

Gerard walks over and takes my hand in his, "We could move away..."

"What? Where?" I ask thinking that he must be joking.

"I don't know, but we could get our own place. Somewhere small at first. I could even get a job!"

"Gerard, this is serious stuff."

"I'm being completely serious Vanya! I don't want to ever be separated from you. I want to spend every second of every day with you,

for as long as I can! I can't even imagine my life without you."

"Gerard...what about college and your family?"

"I can visit...just, just think about it."

I stay quiet almost really thinking about it, "Gee?"


"I never want to have to live without you. I will go anywhere you go."

"Promise me?"

"I promise."

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