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Gerard's P.O.V

Frank was suddenly sitting next to me as drunk as he could be.

"Hey man! Wanna beer?" He asks.

"I don't drink" I reply.

"That sucks man...it helps you relax and forget." He says thoughtfully.

"Forget what?"

"Anything and everything."

I sigh and take the beer from Franks hand. I take a quick swig and practically choke. Frank pats my back and chuckles. I decide that I like the taste and take another sip, savoring the cold liquid as it slides down my throat, hoping my problems would disappear.


Vanya's P.O.V

I grab a beer and guzzle down the liquid. It was refreshing in a way that I couldn't explain. I felt myself begin to relax. I talked to to s of people and thirty min later grew tired. I was heading toward the couch but heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey beautiful." Gerard said softly.

I look at him and realize that he is very drunk.

"I thought you didn't drink Gee."

"I do now. I love it when you call me Gee...you're so cute."

"I think we should go."

"But the party just s-started."

"Oh, um, Gee...You don't look too good."

He was now swaying back and forth. He suddenly fell back and smashed the glass table behind him.

"Gee!" I scream.

I grab his hand and hoist him up as he continues to stagger.

"oh no! No no no!" Charlotte cries. "Vanya, get him out of here!" She shouts pushing us toward the front door.

The two of us scramble out the door and stumble to my car. I wasn't drunk so atleast I could drive. This was the least of my problems because I know that I was going to hear about this tomorrow.


I took Gerard home. I helped him get to his front door, though he was staggering. He had his arm around my shoulder and was leaning into me.

"Vanya?" he mumbled.


"I'm sorry..."

"For what Gee?"

"Ruining the party. I'm such a loser."

"Oh, it's...um...fine Gee."

"You looked gorgeous." He says, voice slurred.

"Thank's, now let's get you inside."

I helped him inside and up a flight of stairs to his bedroom. He flops onto his bed and groans clutching his head.

"I shouldn't have drunk." he moans softly.

I began to feel bad, "Gee, I have to go."

"No, Vanyaaa, stay. Please?" he pleads.

"Fine but only untill you fall asleep." I promise quietly.

That's all I remember from that night.

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