A:TLA Preference #2: How They Deal With PDA

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Aang: Aang with be very weary of PDA at first, but he soon gets used to it. He isn't a big fan of kissing in public, so only cheek kisses, hand holding, and hugs for PDA.

Sokka: Sokka loves PDA, but only because that means he gets to show off that he has a s/o. Making out, hand holding, cheek kisses, anything that is considered PDA....he will do it.

Zuko: Zuko does not like PDA in the slightest bit. He can't stand it. Even if it's something small, he doesn't like it. He likes keeping everything in private manner.

Katara: Katara is very weary of PDA because she believes in the "traditional" structure of a relationship; like every affection should be done in private. But she soon opened up to hand holding, which is a great start.

Toph: Toph isn't too big for PDA, but likes when you give cheek kisses and occasionally likes hand holding.

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