Hey Y'all! Important Authors Note About Requests

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I know I haven't been uploading much, but this is just a hobby for me and I do it when I feel like I need to relax or I just want to have some fun ESPECIALLY because I'm in university and I work and that takes up a lot of my time and energy, but I promise it's not because I don't care! I love writing these so much, I just have so much more going on in my life outside of writing fanfiction and so on.
That being said... I have done a poor job keeping track of my Wattpad requests. My tumblr requests are all neat and in my ask box but I wish I kept better track of requests on here and I am deeply sorry about that. It wasn't intentional, but these requests got pushed onto the back burner for me.
In hopes of getting more organised, I ask that all current requests you may have be commenting under this chapter. I will be looking at each chapter with comments and organise the requests on those, as well as my inbox. As much as this book is for me, it's also for all of y'all who enjoy this book and I want to do what y'all want to see.
You can request anything on this page; y/n imagine, personal imagine, preference, would include, smut. For a personal imagine, please include the following:
Physical description (height, eye colour, body type, etc.)
What you want to happen in the imagine
Anything else you would like to add
As a reminder, I do all requests in my own time and could be a while before I get the energy and passion to start yours, please be patient!

As a final note, thank you so much for all the views! I appreciate every single one of you far more than you may realise! Thank you for the support and please continue to request, like, and comment!

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