I saw you looking at me today… it's cute, you were shy…
But I didn't felt butterflys in my stomac like I used to feel back when I was with him…
You looked twice… and I Looked back…
But I didn't felt butterflys in my stomac like I used to feel back when I was with him…
Maybe the problem is with me… like always… because I AM THE PROBLEM.
That must be it... Today a corrective ribbon fell on the floor near her... she took... I thanked her and she mocked to the other girl and said "tense" and laughed... she laughed at me... today... that would make a year of my first dating. And she was his ex girlfriend.
I'm not ok… Maybe if I die, I'll never have to see that happening again. I Just can't take this anymore.
I'm screaming for everybody that I need help but nobody hears me… they ignore me!
And you are one of them. Unfortunately.
After my strange life
PuisiO mundo em minha volta me desgasta, me estranhassa, me arrasta, me esmaga, me acaba. Mas ainda estou aqui, por falta de coragem? por medo? Meus cortes são a prova que o mudo acaba comigo. Textos meus são motivos de teus risos, teus risos são motivos...