Chapter 15

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Niyati woke up next morning with pain in her arm and a headache with the lingering shadows of memories from the past. Sometimes she felt as though everything that happened that night had been a dream. She should have controlled her emotions and her feelings but all she had focused on was his pain and how to take that pain away. In the end she had been left with nothing but a broken heart.

At times she wondered about the man she had fallen for so hard. He acted all tough on the outside but she knew he was softie when it came to people he cared for, including her. Then why did he turn away from her after showing her how caring he can be? That night after she comforted him she thought he had deep feelings for her like she had for him but he left her next morning with only a note on a scrap paper.

She forced all thoughts out of her mind and concentrated on sitting up slowly without feeling more pain. She felt as though a Mack truck had run over her. She sat up at the side of the bed and rested for few minutes before getting up and going to the bathroom to freshen up. Once she finished brushing her teeth and washing her face she looked at the shower but sighed when she saw the bulky bandage on her arm. No shower for now.

As she stepped out of her room she hoped Varun had made himself comfortable in the guest room. She didn't worry too much because he was familiar with her home and she hasn't changed much in the house.

She leaned against the kitchen door and observed him as he flipped the eggs in the pan expertly. Dressed in his usual track pants and body hugging t-shirt, which showed off all the bulge of muscles in his arms, he looked hot and sexy. She had the urge to go to him and hug him from the back and place her cheek against his strong back but she resisted.

"I poured you some orange juice as you are not yet allowed to have coffee."

Niyati was startled out of her inappropriate thoughts, how did he know she was standing behind him? She just shook her head in bafflement and went towards the table to take her seat. The first sip of the cold juice immediately made her head pain start to recede, unaware of pair of chocolate brown eyes observing her every movement.

Varun turned back to the stove and finished cooking the eggs. He felt her presence behind him the moment she stepped in the doorway but waited for her to speak first when she didn't say anything he decided to make the first move.

He carried two plates to the table and placed one in front of her then took the seat next to her. He had purposely placed the two chairs closer because he was tired of keeping his distance from her for her comfort.

Yes, he had made a mistake in the past but if he waited for her make a move towards him then he will have to wait forever. It was time to take to step up the game, no more baby steps as he had originally planned. He hurt her badly in the past and no amount of apologies is going to fix things between them but he can make up for the past by loving her and keeping her safe.

Memories of the night she comforted him had been more pronounced, last night, than ever before and they had kept him awake throughout the night. Each time he woke her to check her for after effect of the concussion he wanted to crawl into bed with her to hold her as she held him that night but he kept himself in check. He needed to be patient with her but at the same time rekindle the love she felt for him in the past.

Maybe he was presuming too much about her feelings but he would bet everything he owned on her feelings for him. She still loved him somewhere in the deep corner of her heart. Niyati is forever kind of girl, he just needed to wake those feelings with his love.

Before she could start eating he cupped her face and turned her towards him. He looked into her eyes for a long moment then placed his lips on hers. He just held her there for few seconds then brushed his lips back and forth for a proper kiss. She didn't move nor did she respond to the kiss but she didn't push him away either, which encouraged him to continue with the kiss. He bit her lower lip gently to make her open her mouth and the minty flavor of her mouthwash exploded on his tongue. He groaned because he wanted to taste her fully but he knew she was not yet ready. He gave her one more gentle kiss on the lips and pulled back, "Good morning sweetheart."

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