Chapter 17

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Niyati was startled out of the light doze she had fallen into, in the chair, when she heard the loud moan from the bed. She threw the blanket aside and sat on the side of the bed when she saw Varun trash about in grips of a nightmare. It was obvious he was dreaming about the events of the night when she heard him call out his partner's name.

She glanced at the clock on the bedside and realized he had only been asleep for about an hour and she hated to wake him but not waking him from the nightmare would cause him more distress. She placed her hand on his arm and shook him gently, "Varun wake up." He didn't respond to the light shaking so she shook him harder, "Varun wake up!"

He woke up abruptly and looked around in confusion at first but when he saw Niyati sitting next to him, rubbing his arms gently then everything came back to him, the shooting, his partner's death and his reason for being in her bed instead of his own. He breathed deeply as her touch soothed him and made him feel warm again.

"Are you okay?" Niyati cupped his face and made him look at her. He was breathing hard and his skin felt clammy and cold at the same time.

Something inside of him shifted at the gentleness of her touch and the worry in her eyes for him. He didn't know what made him do what he did next but he could no longer resist the warmth of her touch, the care and compassion in her eyes and another feeling that he was not ready to acknowledge, even to himself.

He kissed her!

And just like that his world balanced again. He was no longer caught up in the memories of the past or the nightmare of the night. The heat of her touch and her response to the kiss he initiated replaced the cold that had seeped into his entire body by his partner's death.

Somewhere in the back of his mind warning bells were going off. He knew what he was doing was wrong on all counts but he couldn't stop. For the past three years he had kept a tight control on his attraction and desire for the woman in his arms but the emotional roller coaster of the night broke his control and he was no longer able to hold his feelings back.

Uncaring about the consequences or what the morning will bring, he tangled his fingers in her hair and brought her closer to him. Instead of pushing her out his arms he pulled her to lie next to him then rolled her over so that he was on top of her. He couldn't stop kissing her, couldn't stop the hunger raging through him.

After opening to her about his partner's death earlier and her quiet support of what he had been through, he wanted to take from her. Take and give her so much pleasure she couldn't see straight. He wanted to lose himself in her sweet body. Ever since his first encounter with her and their first kiss, he'd been fighting his feelings for her and he was tired of it. Tired of trying to pretend she hadn't gotten under his skin in the worst way.

She didn't attempt to stop what they were doing. No, instead she completely molded against him. She tightened her arms around him as he settled between her legs. What he wouldn't give to strip away the few barriers of clothing between them and sink deep inside her.

Even as his thoughts spiraled out of control somewhere at the back of his mind he knew that this had disaster written all over it. His emotions were high after the incident of the night and he wasn't thinking straight but with her writhing underneath his body, so willing, so pliant in his arms, the voice of reason in his head was silenced.

Just once he wanted to forget everything and live in the moment. He wanted to let go of his control and with this thought in his mind he quickly removed his damp t-shirt and threw it over his shoulder.

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