Chapter 8: The Confession

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Chapter 8

Jack's POV

I rushed out of my house and threw my head into the snow. Why is this happening. I love Elsa, you hear me.

"I love Elsa, Princess of Arendelle!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I dive back into the snow and tunnel into it. I look up at the sky and fluffy snowflakes gently drift on to my eyelashes. I jump up instantly and run into the house and with the flick of me wrist a snow woman appears.

"Olef," I yell to the snow woman standing on my floor, "take care of Elsina while I'm gone. If you have any troubles call me." I point and a little sliver of paper appears on the counter. "There is my number. She shouldn't be too much trouble.

"Yes sir," Olef said with a solute.

"Don't do that," I said, "I'm not in the army." and with that I flew out the door with a chilly winter breeze.

On the way to the castle all I could think about was Elsa. Elsa here. Elsa there. I saw her in the clouds. In the snow. In the sun. She was everywhere. I got to the castle and hovered down to the window and I heard a large bellowing voice.

"Elsa!" the voice yelled. It was obviously her father, "what happened in here."

"Nothing daddy," you could hear the fear on her voice, "I was bored so I was twirling a snowflake in my hand and I tossed it up and I threw my arms up to catch it but I accidentally made it big. I got mad and threw my arms down and I don't know how but black ice appeared everywhere. I'm sorry dad. It was an accident."

"Teenagers," he mumbled under his breathe. Then he spoke up, "Elsa we talked about this. You know better." Just then I heard a loud PSSSHHHTT and a loud thump. What really told me has happening was when while this was going on Elsa screamed,

"AHHHHHHH!" at the top of her lungs. Then there was a rapid knocking.

"Daddy! Daddy! Leave Elsa alone. Elsa are you ok!?! It's me, Anna. Please respond. Daddy what did you do," Anna screamed in a worried panic.

"Anna clam down. She just tripped and fell," he father persuaded. I felt the angry and rage build up inside me and I flipped. I burst through the window and pinned the king against the wall with flawless icicles.

"Lies!" I yelled, "all lies!"

"Daddy what's going on," Anna screams from outside. Quickly I magically change clothes to not look like I have powers. I opened the door just enough to slip out but not to much that Anna could see the ice.

"Hi Anna," I say gently, "my name is Jack. Jack Gring. Your father invited me on for a tour if the house and I accidentally walked into your sisters room and we wanted to play a game. So we played war and I won. Now I have to run. The only say dead for 30 seconds." Anna seemed to buy it.

"Oh!" she said, "well hurry you don't wanna lose." And she gave me a thumps up and ran away. I wait till she left and I stormed into Elsa's room. Her father was in the icicles struggling against them. I walk up to him.

"You EVER hurt Elsa again. I will kill you."

Elsa's POV

I regained conscious and saw two figured in my room. My eyes settled and I saw Jack holding my father against the wall with 5 icicles. "Jack," I say groggy. "Let him go." The icicles instantly evaporate and I wave my arms and in ice wall pushes him out the door. I turn to Jack and ask, "what just happened?" he giggled a little bit.

"Your father attacked you and I pinned him," he said.

"You did that for me?" I ask, slightly blushing.

"I'd do anything for you," he said, also blushing a little, "which brings me to the reason I came here. Elsa I've tried to deny it but I can't. I'm madly in love with you. I don't know how you feel but I love you."

I don't know how long I stood there and stared at him. "Jack," I replied, "I don't know what to say except..."


Oops. Looks like you have to wait till next time to find out. Remember to vote, comment, add to your library, and please please PlEaSe recommend to your friends. I would like to go for 175 reads for chapter 9.

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