Chapter 27: Memory Lane

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Chapter 27

Jack's POV

I rushed into the house and down a beautiful case of ice stairs. I got to the bottom and just had at stand there for a while, I'm awe of what I was standing in. It was another one of Elsa's beautiful creations. All the corners were precisely sharp and the chandeliers were intricate and deluxe and the doors were just an astonishment. The beauty and design resembled Elsa perfectly, perfect.

I snapped out of my trance-like state and got right to work. To the left of the staircase was a long, wide hallway. Perfect for the memory lane. I ran the the end of the hallway and thrusted my arms up. Two elegant ice columns shot out of the ground and curved over to meet at the top. Quickly and nimbly I whittled away the excess ice to create a thin, delicate entry way.

I walked down the hallway, and ever couple steps I created a statue. A statue of a time Elsa and I spend together. Then forming a plaque with a label on it.

I got to the end of the hallway and I had a great amount of room left. I stood there contemplated what to do for a good 20, until it came to me. An innovation so amazing no one else could think of it. An idea so grand it would knock everyone's socks off. For the next 15 minutes I wailed my arms everywhere, creating an enormous sculpture. A sculpture to defeat all other sculptures. Then it was finished. Everything was finished. It was time for the finial stage.

I walked into the entry way of the memory lane and formed a snow portal. Snow portals are quite easy to explain. You make two, go through one, and come out the other. So I had the first one planted, time to plant the second. I snapped my fingers and the amazing house had disappeared.

I reappeared in the normal, non-ice hallway of the Arendelle castle. Right in front of Elsa's door to be exact. I knocked on her door 5 times in a pattern all to familiar to her. She whipped open the door, probably expecting Anna. She se me and tried to slam the door. I shoved my foot in the way of it, blocking it from closing.

"What do you want?" she snarled at me.

"I want you to trust me," I said charmingly she cocked her head puzzled and I grabbed her hand. I yanked her out of the room and into a snow portal I had created around the corner.

We appeared seconds later in the ice house again, Elsa struggling in my hand.

"Let me go!!" she screamed. "I will report you!!" I just gazed into her eyes and whispered to her.

"Turn. Around."

She slowly turned around and froze at the sight of the 10 sculptures I had created. She didn't turn around before mistingly walking under the arch labeled "MEMORY LANE". She stopped at every sculpture, reading the plaque out loud.

"First Met," she said while staring at a ice replica of the moment we first met when I appeared in front of her crying. "A Whole New World," she smiled in front of the sculpture of her flying on her cloud over the city. "First Kiss," she said nearly crying by the ice silhouettes of us kissing. "The Case," she announced passing the one of me chasing after her when she ran away. "The New You," she beamed near the statue of her changing into her ice dress while singing. "Keeping Warm," she said, tears forming in her eyes by the sculpture of us cuddling on the couch. "Rescue Mission," she read, giggling while examining the ice picture of me saving her from the hands of North. "An Act of True Love," she spoke. She stood at this one for a while, a recollection of earlier. Then moved on. "Right Now?" she asked puzzled looking at the ice sculpture. It took her a minute to realize it was her walking through memory lane. She glanced at me briefly and turned to look at the finial masterpiece. The giant sculpture. It was of giant, immaculate sculpt of Elsa shooting ice beams while she was letting go. At the end of the ice bean was a little counter with a plaque the said "THE FUTURE" and a rectangular box. She slide over to the box and opened it, only to find a sparkling ring inside. She whirled around in surprise to find me looking up at her...

From one knee.


Ahhhh!!! I literally can't give any spoilers with this. You'll just have to read the next chapter. Again so so so SO SO sorry about such a long wait. You don't understand how busy my life is. Remember to vote, comment, add to your library, and please recommend to your friends. It you people that make me the right I am. In The Eyes will be out tomorrow for those of you that read that and I will update this ASAP. Hopefully not in a month.

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