Chapter 10: Alone

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This chapter will be an Elsa POV when she is 18. It will be kind of a short chapter so sorry. I love you all and thanks for reading. Without further ado, chapter 10


Chapter 10

Elsa's POV

I wake up again to the musty smell of spring in my room. I turn to the clock and it is about 9 am. I rush to the window and open it up and sit there for a while. Time passes. 9:30, 10, 11, still no sign of him. I'm so confused and hurt. Jack and I, we were doing to well and he just disappears for about 3 years. What?

Just then a knock breaks the silence and I run to the door with my hopes way to high. I get there and clear my throat.

"Who is it?" I say as royal as I can.

"Umm, your highness," a choked up castle man says, "I have some news regarding your parents trip." I fling the door open and peer around both corners.

"Are they back early?" I frantically ask.

"Your highness," he says again, "the king and queen are dead. They were swallowed by a storm. I'm so sorry. Their funeral will be this Sunday at strike of dusk."

"Oh," I say fighting back the tears, "I see. Thank you Urian."

"I'm.." Urian starts.

"No!" I interrupt. "It's fine. Thank you" and I closed the door right in his face. I here the click click of his shoes. I rush to my corner and collapse in a wave of tears. My parents, dead? It can't be. They seemed fine when they left. "See you in two weeks" my sister's voice haunted in my head. No not two weeks. Never again.

My father was the only person who could talk to me. Now and I have no one left because Jack never visits anymore.. wait! His ice ball! the first time we met he gave me and ice ball and told me that if I ever needed him to break it. And I needed him now.

I ran to my bookshelf and pulled out a giant book. I opened it up and I was hollowed out and inside sat a perfectly round, glimmering ice ball.

I grabbed it instantly and smashed it on to the floor and it shattered to a million pieces. They pieces instantly melted and turned into a mist that viscously flew out the window. I knew any second Jack would burst through the window. Any second. Any minute. Any hour?



Sorry that is was so short. I just wanted a brief summery of Elsa when she's 18. Next chapter will take place on Elsa's coronation day, when she is 21. Remember to vote, comment, add to your libeary, and please recommend to your friends. I would like 300 reads for chapter 11.

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