Chapter 13: Alive or Alone

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Chapter 13

Elsa's POV

I wake up to the sweet sent of a winter/summer breeze in my face. You see, when I ran off I may have accidentally frozen the summer. But no big deal. I blink open my eyes to see a handsome face right in front if mine.

"Mornin Beauty," Jack announced in a horrible Southern Accent. "Ready for some break-e-fast." I lean up and punch him playfully on the shoulder an sit up.

"Your a dork," I say, "plus stop being mean to Americans. Some actually talk like that and what did you get for breakfast. All I have here is... ice."

"I flew to town," he said in his normal voice again, "and I got some pancakes!"

"From Bilian's or Jummy's?" I ask intensely.

"What?" he seemed confused.

"Ugg!" I eclaim, "did you get the pancakes from Bilian's Pancake House or Jummy's Breakfast and More."

"Ohhh!" he said as his brain gears locked in place. "I got them from Jummy's."

"That's my favorite!" I freak. "My parents use to take Anna and I there every Saturday morning until they..." I coked up.

"Well," Jack says trying to enlighten me, "shall we? For memories sake?" I agree an he sits me down at my delicately crafted table. He sets down an ice platter and on it sat 4 giant, fluffy pancakes. I drooled just thinking about them. "Go on," he insists, "dig in."

I didn't hesitate at his offer. I finished those pancakes faster than you could say let it go. I felt like a pig eating like this in front if Jack but who cares. It's his fault for giving me these.

I finish and look up at him.

"It's fine," he says, "I didn't want any anyways." I look down at the plate and realize I ate all 4.

"Opps," I say, "sorry."

"Naw it's fine," he excuses, "I got them for you, not me. Plus I am pretty tight with the owner of Jummy's so I can get more when I want too."

"Ok," I giggle, "if you say so." He turns away and chucks the platter out the window. That's what I do here. I can just make new plates and it's not littering cause it's ice.

Jack turns and starts to walk out if the room and I felt the sudden feeling to pelt him with snow. So I do as my mind says. I form a dense snowball and hurled it at Jacks head. It makes contact. He slowly turns around and says in a demonic voice,

"You've done it now honey. You got into a snowball fight with the King of Snow. Predate to be rammed!" just then he throws like 39 snowballs at me and I have no choice but to jump out the window.

I run towards the window and jump. As I am free falling I form an ice slide and I ride it all the way to the ground. Exactly at the moment Jack burst out my deck and spirals himself to the ground rapidly firing snowballs at me. I did what any panicked girl would do, I created a giant ice wall and he rams head first into it and falls.

Jack hits the ground laughing but I just stand there blankly.

"What's the matter?" Jack asked me.

"Noting. I need to go back to my castle."


"No Jack," I say, "alone."


Hoped you enjoyed chapter 13. Thanks you all for all the reads lately. Anyways why does Elsa wanna go alone? Will Jack obey here? find out in chapter 14. Remember to vote, comment, add to your liberary, and recommend to your friends. I would like 530 reads for chapter 14.

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