26: the Intervention

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Chapter 26

Jack's POV

"Wh...wh..what?" I stuttered out of my tear ringing voice.

"I said..." she paused holding back the tears, "I said we are done. Now leave my room or I will have the guards escort you out." She said that with south confidence and force that it was scary.

"Ok," I exhaled briefly in desolation. "Well. I have to go anyways." I turned away and she slammed the door right behind me. I slowly walked down the hallway, down the stairs, and out the front door. I found a nice lamppost, so I agilely drifted to the peak of the lamppost and perched myself upon it. "Why," I sighed letting the tears surge out into a arctic stream on my cheeks.

"Hey bud," I hear a raspy, masculine voice call from beneath me. "Are you alright." I didn't dare look down for in fear of finding a poor citizen there. Then a familiar sound chimed through the air.

"Jack? Is that you up there?" I peered down to the surprise of Anna and her boyfriend, I think, Kristoff below the lamppost. I clumsily front flip off the light and plummet to the ground.

"Anna thank the snow it's you. The worst thing in the world just happened." She looked left and right and then looked at me in the eyes.

"Ok, but if we want to talk, follow me. We can't talk out here. One of the Dude of Weselton's men is still uncaught. Kristoff, lead us to your place." He nodded and turned to Sven, his reindeer.

"Hey pal, take Anna and I to my place, ok?" The reindeer understood and turned around, allowing Anna and Kristoff to jump onto his scruffy back. I hovered beside them until Sven took off running and I had to struggle to keep up with him. That's kind of sad, a immortal legendary being can badly keep up with a mortal reindeer.

We charged through the streets of Arendelle, knocking over carts, bumping into people, and scaring the living daylight out of the poor children. Sven came to a slow Haily at the edge of the mountain side.

"I thought Sven was taking us to Kristoff's house?" I asked puzzled.

"He is," Anna grinned.

"But we are at the edge if a giant mountain. Did he take a wrong turn.?" They just stood there smiling, almost creepy like. "Sooo..." I prolonged. Then, something didn't feel right. I felt a sharp pain in my head and the world began to spin. I whirled to Anna and there were three of here. "Anna! What's happening?!" I started to cry.

"Uhh Kristoff? Is this suppost to happen?" I heard Anna say to Kristoff. I could here his answer because there was a high pitched screening in my head.

Then everything stopped and I was starring at the cliff. Then I saw a faint blue arch form on the rock. I started something called hypothermiatica, which is something that happens to people with icy powers. My eyes turned white and started to glow. My hair stood on end in every direction. I could feel, hear, and see every detail around me. I felt my hypothermiatic body float to the cliff. I laid one fingertip on the wall and I fell.

I opened my eyes seconds later to find a giant whole in the mountain, in the shape of an arch. I looked at Anna and Kristoff.

"And what was that all about?" I demanded.

"Let me explain," Anna pursued. "When Elsa and I were young, we always loved to use our imagination. So one morning when my parents were asleep, we snuck out and ran here. She created this whole on the mountain. In the whole lies and elegant mansion of ice. She built it when we were bored so we could play rich. Now you probably have many questions like how do I remember this? Well when I found out about Elsa's powers at the ball, three days later I retrieved all the memories of my past. Your also probably wondering what happened to you and why? Well when Elsa created the mansion. She didn't have full control over her powers. So when she built it, she cast the Ice Spell if Etherity. You know what the Ice Spell of Etherity is." I stared at her blankly. "the first time you encounter this spell in a place you had an attack like you had. And the hypothermiatica was just your response to the magic enchanting the door."

"Ok," I replied. "But why does Kristoff live here and how?"

"I want to live here cause it's better than my place," Kristoff laughed, "and I have a key to get in." my stomach dropped. I went through all that and he had a freaking key? Wow.

"Anyways," I switch back to the subject, "why are we here?"

"Oh yeah," Anna said, "we need an intervention. I know how to get you and Elsa back together."

"How," I jumped up, "please I'll do anything to get my love back."

"It's simple," Anna waved it off. "All you have to do is make a memory lane."

"Memory lane?" I question.

"Yes. You just have to use your powers and create a literal lane of your time together and make it like really nice and sweet." Everything just clicked.

"OMG. That's amazing!" I turned to Kristoff, "can i...?"

"Of course you can use my house. That's why we brought you here. Now go knock yourself out kid."

"Thank you so much Kristoff and Anna." I shook his hand and kissed Anna on the head and floated of into the cave. As I was flying away I heard Anna and Kristof say.

"They grow up so fast," and laughed a little bit and then the door closed.


Again srry it took so long to update. I truly love all you guys. If you want inside info on my stories, go follow me on twitter @bryguywattpad and you'll get notifications and spoilers and secrets. Just a heads up, next chapter will be any other Jack POV. Remember to vote, comment, add to your library, and recommend. In The Eyes will be updated tomorrow.

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