This Is Frank

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A/N: Hey guys!! I know I never update any of my other stuff, but as soon as I upload this chapter I'll be updating some of my other stories. So enjoy this story that's based on a true story, well the main plot is anyway. I wish I've fucked Gerard Way. ((There's definitely gonna be some smut kiddos.)) Enjoy!!

I am Frank Iero. I've been told I can be a little...defiant some days. If I knew being defiant would have changed my life so drastically, I would have done it a lot sooner. Now you're probably wondering, 'Frank, what the hell are you on about?' Well friends, come join me on this magical journey where you'll find out why defiant can be good.


It all started when I was walking to my new school. This was my last shot, the last school that would take me. If I got kicked out of this one, I was in some serious deep shit. I mean, I could give less of a fuck about my education, but if I have to go home and tell my mother I got kicked out of the last school that would take me she would beat me senseless.

And so here we are, walking around the block that I don't recognize. It was a nice little neighborhood. The scent of French breads flowed from the bakery, and I'm pretty sure that fucker had doves too. What a kind man, feeding birds like that, only to set them free.(yes I'm still so fucking pissed about the dove keeper.)

There were playgrounds around every corner, which seems pretty sweet. I might be an almost grown man, but I still love me some fuckin swing sets. The scenery was very nice....too nice. I've always been suspicious of these kinds of places. The seemingly perfect neighborhoods and plastic people. I just don't understand.

I finally was approaching the school after my ten minute walk. The building itself looked pretty decent. It was a big brick building with murals painted all over the walls. I walked into the reception office and stool awkwardly at the desk.

"Shouldn't you be in the middle school?" The lady asked me quite rudely. I have tattoos and piercings, so yeah I just came straight (or should I say gay) from the booger eating buttmunches in the middle school.

"No, new student. Frank Iero." She looked up at me and frowned visibly. What a bitch. "Okay then Mr. Iero. I'm gonna need you to take out your piercings." I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "I'm gonna need you to go fuck yourself, just give me my damn schedule!"

She looked scared yet taken aback while she printed my classes. "That shirt isn't allowed." She said rudely. I looked down at my misfits wife beater and shrugged. "Guess it is, because I'm wearing it right now, aren't I?"

She sighed and rolled her eyes while she made up my schedule. Suddenly a large crash emitted from the principals office and into the reception I was standing in. The receptionist just sat there, unamused. "Fuck you Mr. Henry! I think your school policies are shit! I should be allowed to draw on these boring walls, even if I just drew tiny rainbow dicks!"

I couldn't help but giggle as I overheard the conversation. He walked past me before backing up and looking at me. "You're new." I smiled and shook my head. "No actually, I prefer Frank." He smiled and held his hand out. "I like you kid." I shook his hand tightly and dropped my hand back to my side.

"Gerard go clean the dicks off the wall!" The principal screamed. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "See you later Frank." I waved and laughed a bit. "I'm guessing this happens a lot?" The receptionist gave a small smirk. "Oh yeah, hell sometimes I even help him draw the dicks. I mean it's better than listening to you kids drone on about how you didn't know it hurt others to physically hit them."

Damn. She'll be cooler than I thought. "Here's your schedule Iero, and for the love of god, don't fuck it up." I smiled and nodded as I took my schedule and walked around the halls looking for room twelve. This time around would be different, I just knew it.

Sorry it's short but I wanted to get the idea of it out and I have school tomorrow, so I had to rush. Feel free to point out any errors!

Stay hydrated!

Eat some food!

Punch a nazi!!

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