This is Me Updating for Once ((This is Mikey))

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     We didn't do much in Mrs. Lowes class. We drew more dicks, drew dicks on each other. It was a pretty good class. When the bell rang Gerard basically picked me up and started sprinting down the halls with me. He was going pretty fast, actually.

     "Gerard! What the fuck are you doing?!" He just laughed and stopped outside a door. He held up a finger to signify patience, and within seconds the hallways were fully packed. "That's what I'm doing. I'm saving you from being tardy on your first day."

I laughed at him, watching the people getting stuck in the crossfire of others. Gerard just stood off the the side quietly, or at least I thought he was. I quickly turned my head to see him staring at me with wide eyes and his mouth open.

     "Gerard honey, you're gonna catch flies." I put my hand on his chin and pushed his mouth shut. He snapped out of his trance and blushed. "I-uh, yeah. Sorry I got distracted." I smiled and laughed at him. He's kinda cute now that I think about it.

     The door to the classroom busted open and a big bearded man walked out. "Gerard! Actually showed up to class today, that's nice. Oh, looks like you brought a friend! Did you find him while you were roaming the halls during my lessons?"

     Gerard scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Can it, worm." He pushed past the teacher and pulled me along. "Worm?" Gerard laughed. "Yeah, he has this weird long name so we just call him big wormy." I burst into a fit of giggles and shortly after, Gerard did too.

     "I'm guessing you skip his class a lot?" He shrugged. "Understatement. I've only been in this class like three times this year. He expects more from me because of my goody two shoes brother." I looked up at him from under my eyelashes. "You have a brother?"

     He smiled and pulled up a picture on his phone. "This is my dork of a brother, Mikey. He sets high expectations that my parents want me to break, even though he's younger than me. He's good in school, but he's still my best friend and partner in crime."

     "Aweeeeee Gerard loves his lil' bro. How adorable!" I pinched his cheeks like an old grandmother and he laughed, swatting my hands away. "Yeah, yeah. We get it Frank, you think I'm hot. Stop flirting, I already know I'm irresistible." He flipped his hair and looked off into the distance.

     I doubled over laughing, actually crying after that little scene. Big Wormy or whoever came in shortly after and gave the lesson. The bell rang after Gerard and I not doing shit for an hour, and he pulled me into the cafeteria.

     "There's no seats left." He nodded and smiled. " I'm just waiting for Mikey, I let him eat with me because it helps me protect him from bullies. I love the kid too much for my own good." We waited for a couple minutes before an awkward looking kid approached us, Mikey I was assuming.

     "Mikey, I made a friend." His brother widened his eyes and looked at me. "Is he making you do this? You don't have to hang out with him you know." Gerard softly punched Mikey's arm. "He's here by will Mikes."

     He reached out a hand to me. "Hi, I'm Gerard's brother Mikey." He said awkwardly. "I'm Frank. I like your shirt." He was wearing an Abby Road Beatles shirt with rainbow colors across it. He smiled and looked down at it. "Thanks man! I love the Beatles."

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