This is Gay

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     I looked over my schedule again, still having no fucking clue where room twelve was. They should have had someone show me around and not just send me off to explore this shithole of a school. I turned the corner to find the boy from earlier, scrubbing rainbow dicks off the walls. "Those are some pretty realistic dicks man." He giggled and turned around. "Hey it's you!! New kid!! Er- I forgot your name...Francis? Freddie??"

     I smiled and bit my lip piercing. "Frank or Frankie Iero. I didn't catch your name earlier, did I?" He threw his soap covered rag into the bucket and stuck his hand out again. "Gerard. Gerard Way. I don't think I have a nickname actually." I smiled and thought about something else I could come up with. "How bout I call you..Gee! I'll call you gee."

     "I like it. Gee it is." I stood against the walls and looked at his not so erased rainbow dicks. "So I'm guessing you're not the straightest nail in the shed?" He laughed, full out busted out laughing actually. "God fuck no, I'm so gay I could be a fuckin circle." He smiled at me and I giggled at his answer.

     "Oh honey, I'm just as gay. I mean my parents don't know because they're kinda catholic and they'd probably kick me out, but I'll probably have to tell them one day." Gerard just stared at me and smiled for a minute. "I could tell you were gay though, cause you seem to like looking at my rainbow dicks almost as much as I do." I giggled and bit my nails. Is a bad habit that I should probably break, but I love self destruction I guess.

     "Shouldn't you be in class Iero?" I nodded and sighed. "I didn't get anyone to help me find my way around so I'm lost as shit, I'm pretty sure third period started twenty minutes ago." He smiled and grabbed me by the arm, reading my schedule. "Okay so you got art, science, english, and band/choir with me. Cool, I'll take you to art."

     He walked me into a giant corridor and to a small wooden doorway. Without even looking up the teacher sighed. "Go sit down Gerard, or don't. I don't even give a shit anymore." He smiled at the teacher and cleared his throat. "Ms. Lowe, we have a new student. That was very improper and unkind of you, don't you think?" We both busted out into fits of laughter as the teacher sent us death glares. "If only you acted as well as you drew." She thought out loud.

     "Hey that's not nice!" She smiled and looked up at him. "Gerard honey?" He sighed. "Yes Ms. Lowe?" She got up and stood eye level to him. "Do I look like a nice person?" He scoffed and laughed a bit. "Yeah, yeah. We get it. You're actually Satan."

     She frowned and pointed to some desks. "Pick anywhere, I don't care." I shrugged and followed Gerard to the back of the room. "She's mean." I stated and he giggled. "Understatement." We laughed and drew dicks the rest of the period. It was nice. This was nice. Gerard(and his ass) was really nice.

A/N: Hey guys!! I'm actually updating shit for once!!! It's crazy, I know. Anyways I'm gonna get to see frank for the second time in December so if anyone is going to his MA concert they should go with me cause I don't have friends.

Stay hydrated

Don't die

Be happy

And uhhhh

Yeah that's all folks.

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