An Admirable Alliance: Chapter 2

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((Synopsis: Brick takes an emergency pit-stop at Queen Zoey's castle, helping her deal with Mike's circumstances and Lightning's 'proposal'.))

The clattering of horses filled the air, as Prince Brick road ahead of his soldiers towards the castle gates. He signaled to a guard at the tower, the man scrabbling down to meet him. "Lord McArthur, we weren't informed you were coming. A pleasure, as usual," the guard greeted him as he stood before the entire Western army.

Brick descended from his horses, gripping the reins as he acknowledged the guard, "I apologize, good sir. Our visit was decided at the very last minute. However, I came for an emergency meeting with Lord of the manor." The man shook nervously, nodding as he opened the gates, "Of course, come in."

"Alright, men! Make temporary camp a few miles east of the castle. Henson, you're in charge for the next few days while I discuss things with this Lord. Dismissed!" A collective pile of voices responded, "Yes, Lord Brick, Sir!" and proceeded to ride off, while a chosen few followed their Lord into the castle walls.

The common folk inside of the castle stared in awe at the horses, children calling out excitedly, catching Brick's attention and allowing him to return a few smiles and waves. He and his men tied up their horses in front of the main building, the gate guard rushing over to them. "Lady Zoey is relaxing in the main hall, sir," he said and Brick nodded, "Thank you."

The men entered the giant hall, the shiny red walls glittering with the sudden light emerging from the entrance as they walked in. "Hey Brick! Nice to see you!" Zoey greeted, a sweet grin plastered on her face. Brick smiled back, "Likewise, Lady Zoey." He bowed curtly as she approached him, wrapping him in a quick hug.

Zoey led the Western Lord to her castle's library, where she set out some drinks and the two sat at a desk near a window. "Good thing you sent for me, I just left Lady Heather's residence a day ago," Brick said, taking a sip of tea and Zoey sniffed. "Well, I'm glad it wasn't a problem. I'm so stressed out now, it's not even funny," she complained, wiping her baggy eyes gently before spilling out the details.

"Wait, so you're telling me that Lightning kidnapped Mike, and now has him hostage, where he isn't being released until you surrender the entire kingdom to him?" Brick asked warily, Zoey sighing in despair, "It's been almost a month! I was so sure he was dead, but then just yesterday I get this ransom note." She pulled a slip of paper from her pocket and slid it over to him.

"'Dear 'polar girl','" Brick began to read, eyeing her, inquiring the odd nickname and she just shrugged. "'I found your freaky boyfriend in the forest a while ago and didn't know what to do with him. So I've just kept him here in my dungeon until I thought of something. Smart, huh? Anyway, I decided to give him back to you, but only if you give me your whole kingdom. I'm pretty sure you'll give it up, am I right? Sha-score! Lord Lightning of the South.'"

"He thinks I've already given up!" Zoey yelled, clearly annoyed, "I mean, I'm not that weak, right?" Brick shook his head, "Of course not. Out of the Northern trio, you're easily the most reasonable and intelligent of them." Zoey smiled sadly at the compliment, shaking her head in dismay.

She rested her chin on her hand and sighed, "What can I do? I just can't give him the kingdom! I mean, I can, but I'm not going to!" Brick frowned, deep in thought about what he discussed with Lady Heather.

"I'm telling you, Lightning is trying to screw us all over!" Heather screeched, pounding her hands on the table, launching a few cups in the air. Alejandro grabbed her shoulders, comforting her while rephrasing, "That man has tortured his citizens and capturing innocent villages just for feeding his ego. Of course, we do the same, only we're much more civil about it."

Heather stared guiltily at her partner, then glared at Brick, burning into his skull with her gaze, "Your girl Jo was totally right about him. He is a threat, and we need him taken down! Now!" Her voice was shaking with fury and she sprang from her seat, only for her husband to sit her back down.

Brick shook his hands anxiously, "Now now, ma'am. I can assure you that something can and will be done. Of course, I have to speak to Jo about this before anything involving a treaty or war declaration is initiated."

Alejandro nodded, calmly holding Heather to her chair, "Not a problem, sir. You are on our side with this, correct?" Brick saluted, "That's correct, we just need to formulate a plan..."

"Zoey, you don't have to worry. I already am in the process of planning a rebellion against Lord Lightning." Her eyes lit up excitedly, "Really? Who else did you manage to convince?" Brick smirked proudly, "The Eastern Lords, as well as the North Eastern and North Western."

Zoey stared incredulously at him, "You convinced Heather and Alejandro, as well as Duncan and Courtney and Scott and Dawn?" He slowly nodded, folding his arms confidently, "Lady Heather is absolutely peeved with him, Scott was recently betrayed by him, and Courtney practically lost her whole lumber trade to him. It wasn't too hard to find allies against him."

Zoey leaned over the desk, hugging her comrade tightly, "Thank you so much! I don't know how to repay you." Brick smiled humbly, "Not a problem, we share a common enemy, all of us. Besides, the mere look of satisfaction on my Lady's face when we take him out will be more than enough for me." She sank back into her chair in relief, Brick pulling out a sheet from his backpack.

He informed her, "It's the alliance paper, just sign your name under the last one, alright?" Zoey nodded, grabbing a pen off of the desk and neatly scribbling her name. She stared in disbelief at the page for a few seconds, "Wow, Scott actually has decent penmanship."

Brick muffled a laugh with his hand, "I know, shocked me as well." She handed it back to him, Brick shoving it back into his bag. "Brick, would you like to stay for dinner? It only feels right to celebrate this," Zoey asked. He beamed down at her, as he signaled his guards to come inside.

"I'd be honored, Queen Zoey."

*Words: 1089* 

((I love this much. I gave this way more thought than I thought. Until next chapter! ~Kay☆))

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