Ode to the King: Chapter 10

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((Synopsis: Jo and Cameron arrive at Northwestern, Brick reunites with his WIFE :D, and a group of lackeys rescues their 'king' from the battlefield.))

The courtyard laid quiet. An eye-watering odor emerged from the fallen men and women of all sides. The remaining soldiers sat upon the castle steps, with talk of truce fluttering from one mouth to another.

Brick and Duncan eyed the surrounding area, scanning for any runaways that may report to an ally, but they found nothing.

"Duncan!" The Lord turned around to a relieved Courtney leaping into his arms, her cheeks still stained with anxious tears. "Whoa, whoa, chill out Princess!" He laughed, swinging her around before setting her back to her feet.

"So, you won?" Zoey asked, holding a shaking Gwen by the shoulders. Brick nodded curtly, "Yes, we won." He hid his inner concern behind a soft smile, watching his comrades rejoice in triumph.

Suddenly, the celebration was cut short by the clopping of horses approaching the castle. Duncan lept from the stairs, drawing his sword and holding the others back. Brick tried to push forward, but he stopped him. "I got this, man."

Duncan ran to the gate, urging Harold to keep it shut. He had stayed up there the entire battle and was somehow unharmed. "Dorkus, don't you dare open that gate unless I tell you!" he yelled up to him, getting a scoff in return. "Isn't that what I do anyway?" "SHUT IT!"

Placing his hand over his eyes, he stared out to the front yard, squinting at the pair of horses riding in. He dropped his hand to his waist, giving a small chuckle, "Hey, Harold!" The ginger looked down from his post, "Yeah?" "Open the gate," Duncan ordered, and his lackey nervously obeyed.

The metal gate rose from its spot on the ground, and the horses arrived, halting in the archway. "Well, look who decided to join us..." Duncan clicked his tongue, gaining a scowl from the confident queen who sat upon the mighty steed before him.

"Yeah, yeah. We caught a few guys trying to get to Scarlett's place, and we took care of them. You're welcome," Jo informed him, demounting the stallion and helping Cameron off of his, "There were about...maybe three?" Cameron interjected, "Seven." Jo wrapped her arm around him, "Yeah, seven. We got them good."

Duncan smirked, "Thanks for that, then." The three approached the others, Jo fumbling the reins of her horse over to her advisor. "Jo, what are you..." "BRICK!"

The sound of his name being called made him look up from his conversation with Courtney, and his eyes instantly lit up. Throwing his papers into Courtney's lap, he sprinted over to his wife, taking her in his arms and grinning like an idiot.

Everyone else stood there stupified, sure they had gotten used to them being together, but it still left an uneasy knot in their stomachs. Although, one look at the pair was enough to cut it loose.

"You had me so worried," she whispered into his chest. He stroked her hair, planting a kiss on her forehead, "Cameron told me you had things to keep you occupied." She laughed, "I guess so...he's been a great help."

Brick glanced over to Cameron, who was helping Zoey finally calm down a hysterical Gwen. He saw him holding her hand in his own, and he felt a sting of pride in his heart for his comrade.

Looking back at his wife, he released her from his arms and wrapped his fingers into her own. "Come on, I have to show you something," he said, and Jo's powder blue eyes twinkled curiously, "Lead the way, Corporal Leaks-a-lot."

Brick pulled her across the courtyard. They passed by civilians cleaning the ground of corpses and repairing damaged equipment and houses. His face expressed a hidden guilt, and Jo could read it perfectly.

"You alright? You don't seem completely like yourself..." Jo asked him, watching as his face scrunched. They turned a corner, walking towards the wall. Brick looked back at her, stopping the two of them in their tracks. He placed his hands on her shoulders and took a deep breath.

"You know how Lightning was attacking this place?" he started. Jo nodded, "No shit, that's why I'm here!" Brick's grip on her shoulders tensed up, his fingers struggling and his knuckles turning white. Wih a small gulp, he continued on, "Do you also remember his personal vendetta against me?" She nodded again, only a worried expression flew onto her face.

"...What did you do?" she questioned, trying to hide her concern behind a strict tone. Brick didn't respond. Instead, he continued to drag his queen to where he left Lord Lightning. Only, much to his horror and Jo's confusion, all that remained was the corpse of the guards he left watching his rival and the Lord's golden-hilted sword.

"I still don't see why we had to come collect him. We're more than capable of doing this on our own!" "I wasn't going to let us lose our guinea pig. For an evil king, I assumed better of you." "You know that I don't associate with his kind!" "Okay, both of ya, shut up! I swear if you weren't the masters of this operation, I woulda killed you both!"


**Words: 868**

((WELL WELL, IT SEEMS WE HAVE A SURPRISE CAMEO AT THE END~ okay not that much of a surprise if you think about it... I still like it though. ☆~Kay))

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