Wait, is that Scott?: Chapter 3

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((Synopsis: Brick and Zoey find Scott in shambles at Zoey's front door, and his reasons drive the Lords to take action!))

A day had passed, the Northern and Western Lords discussing possible solutions to their current crisis. The sun started to set on the second night, glimpses of the falling light seeping into the office window.

Everything was going as peacefully as it could, considering the circumstances, the two monarchs making steady progress. Unfortunately, that was interrupted by the door crashing to the ground.

"Lady Zoey! We have a problem at the gate!" the guard screamed, causing Zoey to spring from her seat. She looked at Brick, "Get your guards and come with me." Brick nodded, rising from his seat and summoning his men.

The group followed the guard to the gate, where a crowd of townsfolk gathered in front of this one man. His clothes were tattered and messy, his face covered in dirt and his ginger hair flying all over the place. The guards surrounded him, his hands already braced behind his back, yet he didn't struggle.

"Please, you have to believe me! I need help, now!" his voice was weak, the crowd remaining strong. He tried again, "Seriously! I mean no harm, let me talk to Lady Zoey!" Zoey and Brick cut through the pedestrians, a look of relief appearing on his face, "Zoey! Thank god, you're here! Brick too, man I got lucky..." he greeted his fellow lords.

Zoey's face fell at the sight of him, "Lord Scott? You look awful! What happened?" She knelt down, helping her fellow Northern Lord to his feet, "Come inside, we'll talk there." Brick released the shackles from Scott's wrists, and they walked him into the medical area in the castle.

"We weren't expecting it...he came from nowhere!" Scott explained, a nurse bandaging his arm as he spoke to the others. Zoey gasped, placing a hand on his knee, "That's horrible!" "And that isn't even the worst part! While his army took a bunch of my people captive, Lightning himself caught up to us and took Dawn! He has Dawn..." He started tearing up.

"I tried to get her back, got a couple of hits in. I told her to run away, but she decided to pull his arms away from me. She told me the same thing, insisting I go, and I did. I heard screaming...and...a thud, but I kept running and running. That is until I finally saw General McArthur's Army camping near here. They caught me spying, not really recognizing me with this on...and then they brought me to the gate."

Brick shook his head in disbelief, "How did he manage to get past my army? I'm sure we would have spotted his battalion if they were going to your land." Scott sighed, "Even then, I'm not sure if it could have helped..." The nurse finished with the bandages, the heartbroken ginger giving her a weak smile, "Thanks, doll."

Zoey groaned quietly, her body trembling with fury, "He has Mike too..." she mumbled, and Scott gave her a sympathetic look. "I guess we're in the same boat, I'm sorry." She glanced at him, shaking her hands anxiously, "No, no! You don't need to apologize..." Their faces sunk, Brick rolling his shoulders in discomfort.

"Zoey signed the papers," Brick said after a while, and Scott's face lit up. "Well, since he's got her husband, I can understand why you would. Still, thanks for that, Red," he responded, a bit of enthusiasm pushing itself back into his voice, a small grin curving onto Zoey's lips. Brick suddenly stopped, his eyes filling up with concern. He rushed over to the window, looking towards the West.

"Brick, what's wrong?" Zoey asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. His tone went grim, as he questioned Scott, "Which direction was Lightning going in?" Scott raised an eyebrow and answered, "He was heading west, why do you...oh." His eyes grew wide, and he asked in return, "Are they here?"

Brick kept his gaze towards the window, his hands clenching into fists, "If they're heading west from your land...and they haven't arrived around here for the past day or so..." He snapped his fingers, turning on his heel and bursting through the door. Zoey and Scott ran after him, "Brick! Wait up," Zoey called down the hallway as he sprinted toward the castle front.

He grabbed the reins of his horse, preparing to mount when one of his soldiers approached him, "Lord Brick, what are you doing?" He swung his leg over the horse's back, posturing himself up as Scott and Zoey arrived out front. "Brick, what's wrong?" Scott asked again, and Brick stared warily at the two of them. "If they haven't come around here, that means they're going to the Northwest Kingdom."

His response was blunt, he turned his attention to his soldier, "Gather up the rest of our troops, head towards the Northwest region of the forest. That's an order, hurry." The soldier saluted, running off to notify the rest of the battalion. Brick adjusted his reins and turned to Zoey, "Have your men follow mine, we'll need to leave immediately if we're to warn Lady Courtney and Lord Duncan in time." Zoey nodded, signaling to her guards to prepare for battle.

Scott waved at him, "What about me?" Brick glanced down at him, and lent him a hand, pulling him onto the back of his horse. "Take this," he said, handing him a bow and quiver from his bag. Scott slung the quiver over his shoulder with a slight wince and gripped the bow in his hand.

Zoey arrived back in the courtyard on horseback, her sword strapped on her back and donning her leather armor. She nodded to them, riding off ahead with her men ahead of them. "Hold on, whatever you do. And keep an eye out, shoot only if necessary," Brick told Scott, who nodded obediently, and he whipped the reins.

The horse galloped out of the castle, the two lords on its back silently praying that they haven't left too late. The remaining guards sealed the gate, staying behind to protect the citizens. The rest of the Western Corps joined their Lord outside the gate, and they all galloped toward the Northwest. They knew little about what was awaiting them, but at the moment, no one really cared.

Arriving in time was all that mattered.

*Words: 1053*

((I had my sister choose the people focusing on this chapter, and the next one. So look forward to that! Kay☆))

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