Prepare for War!: Chapter 5

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((Synopsis: The current group is readying themselves for the upcoming battle at Northwest, and they split up respectively.))

"What the hell is going on here?" Courtney screamed, demanding answers while the others caught up to her outside. She halted, a shocked expression forging on her face. "Oh my god, Scott!" She shrieked, rushing over to Brick’s horse, struggling to help him down. Duncan scoffed under his breath, earning him a nudge to the gut from Gwen.

"Zoey, what happened?" Gwen asked as she tied the reins of her horse to a post. Cameron went to stand next to them, wondering the same thing. Zoey responded grimly, "Mike is a prisoner, and Lightning kidnapped Dawn after ransacking the Northeast and injuring Scott."

Cameron shook his head in disbelief, "Seriously?" Gwen said, baffled, "Wow, is everyone around here in some kind of trouble?" Cameron glanced at her sadly, "Yeah, Jo and I think that he tampered with our army. She's pretty mad about it." At the mention of Jo, Brick turned to his comrade, holding him by the shoulders. “Jo? Cameron, is she okay?” he questioned, his tone remaining firm, yet his worry is obvious.

He smiled nervously at him, nodding swiftly while reassuring him, “She's okay, Brick. A human wall of fire currently locking herself away, so she doesn't rage kill anyone, but okay.” Brick exhaled, his face softening at the news, “Good.”

He called for the troops' attention, “Provide backup for the soldiers situated here. Brace yourselves for battle.” His command echoed across the inner village, citizens running for the safe houses while the troops stationed themselves around the gate. Courtney grabbed Brick by the shoulder, demanding more information. “This is nice and all, but WHY EXACTLY IS THIS HAPPENING?!”

Zoey ripped Courtney away from her friend, holding her arms to her sides and trying to calm her. “Lightning is coming here, right now, his whole army with him. We need you guys to help us fend them off.” “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Duncan, get with the other soldiers. Tell them to give Captain Egotistical’s army no mercy!” She yelled, Duncan nodding quickly before sprinting off.

“Alright then,” Brick began, "Cameron, you take Scott back to our kingdom for sanctuary. Lady Zoey, you, Courtney and Gwen man the healing station and help the inner guards protect the townsfolk. Only resort to murder if necessary. I'll join Lord Duncan at the gate, understood?” The others agreed, splitting up according to the Lord’s plan.

“Be safe, Cameron! You too, Scott. Keep an eye out for anyone behind you.” Gwen warned the smaller boy, receiving a tiny smile from him. He hoisted himself onto the horse Brick had given him, taking hold of the reins and gripping them tightly. “I will, you take care as well, Lady Gwen,” Cameron bid her, trying to adjust himself on, releasing his grip before almost slipping off.

Gwen took hold of the reins with one hand, helping Cameron regain his balance with the other. She urged on, “Seriously, Cam. Lightning has some sort of pointless grudge on you still, so I'm sure he has some kind of special reward for your capture!” He gulped fearfully, shuddering at the thought.

The fair-skinned maiden stretched up and pecked his cheek, much to his bewilderment, “Just, be careful,” she said, and he reassured her with a nod. Scott rolled his eyes, “Shouldn't we be escaping right now?” Cameron snapped out of his minor trance, snatched the reins back from Gwen and snapped them. The horse starting racing away from the castle, Gwen rushing into the cellar nearby, slamming the lid behind her.

“Scott, are you alright?” Cameron called to his passenger after a while, his face getting slammed repeatedly by gusts of wind as they rode back to the West. He had sensed that Scott was tensing up, since his posture straightened up suddenly. He uttered a grim message, “I think we're being followed…”

Soon enough, a small crowd of horses popped up behind them, carrying soldiers with spears and arrows preparing to assault. “Uh...what now, Smart Guy?” Scott asked anxiously, before Cameron cut a corner into the forest. He instructed him hastily, “You have a bow, don't you? Use it! I'll try to lose them.”

Scott acknowledged his order, grinding an arrow against the string of the bow and firing. A troop fell from his horse, an arrow jammed into his left shoulder. He shot another, this one striking another troop’s horse in its right eye, causing it to crash into a tree.

They made a swift turn around another corner, the Western castle in their sights. “How many are left?” Cameron inquired, Scott releasing a final arrow, aiming directly for the forehead, only it landed in their throat. He exhaled, then answered Cameron with a cocky grin, “Zero.”

Cameron sighed in relief, guiding the horse up to the gate. He tugged at the reins, stopping it dead in its tracks, then called up to the guard.“Hey, it's Cameron! You have to let me in now, I have urgent news!” Before he knew it, the gate rose from the ground, and the two of them rode towards the castle. The iron bars slammed back down, the boys relaxing their bodies a little, knowing they were safe, for now.

Back at the North-western Kingdom, the ladies resided underneath the castle. The bunker was a slightly tight space, with all the people inside resting on bunkers. Zoey and Gwen were preparing several medical kits, Courtney pacing around and reassuring a few citizens of their safety.

At one point, the North-western Queen felt a tug at her dress. She glanced down to see a little boy gripping the fabric, his eyes fighting back worried tears. Courtney kneeled down to his level, “What would you like, Eli?” she asked the child in a soft voice. He gingerly mashed his fingers together, fumbling on his words, “Miss Courtney, is Sir Duncan going to be okay?” She smiled, placing a gentle hand on his tiny shoulder, “Of course he will, dear.”

He gave a little grin, “Good! I knew he would!” Courtney giggled as Eli ran back into his mother's arms. As soon as he left, her face fell grim. She eyed the earthy ceiling, the sounds of war sinking into the ground. Her mind racing and her heart thumping out of her chest, as the banging of hooves and the clanging of swords rang through their ears.

“He has to be okay.”

*Words: 1065*

((Okay, bring me my knives, I gotta do a bit of negotiating with Lord Lighting~ Jk, jk, I actually really like him. All Stars treated him poorly, just like everyone else. Tell me what your least favorite part of All Stars was in the comments! I'm curious. ~Kay☆))

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