Cameron's Travels: Chapter 4

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((Synopsis: Jo sends Cameron to Courtney with a letter, and he meets Duncan in the woods.))

Cameron adjusted his glasses, scanning the map that Jo had given him. 'Just go north, follow the path, and go north.' He kept repeating the instructions in his head, glaring at his surroundings.

He was stuck, alone in the woods, with nothing but a dagger he barely knew how to use, and a letter to Queen Courtney. "Oh come on!" he groaned, staring down at his feet as he trudged along the cracked stone path.

"Okay String Bean, I have no idea if Drama Queen knows anything about what Brick went to do, but either way, I need you to deliver this to her." Jo handed him a wrinkled envelope, sealed with the Western emblem. Cameron raised an eyebrow curiously, "What's this even for, Lady Jo? And why do I have to deliver it?"

She smirked, punching him lightly on the shoulder, "First off, I just figured I should tell someone else about what Muscle Brain is doing, and I figured she's the closest. Second, I also guessed that you needed something to do, could use some exercise and that you would be more than willing to go because Gothball's staying there right now."

Cameron shook his head awkwardly, "She is?" Jo nodded, patting him on the head. "I know you like that chick, not sure how, but that you do. Go get 'em, Brainiac." She shoved him lightly towards the door, and he almost tripped over his feet while walking out. "Just keep going north! Stay on the stone path! Don't trip over any pebbles!"

He glowered, his irritation obvious by the look in his eyes. Suddenly, he snapped anxiously at the sound of a branch breaking. "Who...who's there?" he commanded, trying to look intimidating while brushing his fingers over the dagger.

"Oh, you're that nerd kid from Western, right?" a voice asked. Cameron gulped nervously, but nodded, "Y...yeah." A hooded figure popped out from the bushes, making him panic and fall backward into the dirt.

The figure laughed maniacally, dropping his hood, revealing himself, much to the scrawny servant's relief. "Lord Duncan, you scared me!" Cameron yelled defensively, while Duncan helped him back to his feet. He cackled, "Yeah, I do that. What are you doing around here, and by yourself too?"

The shorter boy wiped the dirt off of his cloak, then he showed Duncan the envelope. "My lady Jo gave me this and sent me to give it to Lady Courtney. I was heading over there but..." "You're lost?" Duncan answered for him, shaking his head disappointingly, "Well, I'm not too surprised. Want me to bring you over?"

Cameron nodded in defeat, causing the Northwestern Lord to grab his wrist, guiding him through the forest and to his kingdom. He waved to the castle guard, "Hey Doris! Open the gate!" He knew who this guard was since he was in a similar situation to him. "Alright, alright, give me a second, gosh."

The metal gate slowly creaked open, allowing Duncan and his guest to waltz on in. Cameron looked on in awe as he was dragged toward the main hall by his arm since it had been a while since he visited this village. The townsfolk stared at him, most of them being looks of pity, but he didn't mind. After all, being in Jo's service had gotten him adjusted to being someone's rag doll.

Lord Duncan released his grip on Cameron's wrist as they approached the entrance to the main hall. The purple and green melded walls started making him feel sick, as he waited beside the delinquent ruler at the door. Duncan knocked loudly, "Hey Princess! Pasty! Am I good to come in?"

After a few seconds, a shrill, forceful voice called back, "What do you want, Duncan?" Cameron shuddered at the sound of it, but Duncan gave him a calm look before answering her. "Jo sent one of her nerds with a letter!" They waited, no reply.

Cameron could hear footsteps approaching the door, excited footsteps. He could feel the vibrations through his boots, and like that, the door swung open. Duncan slid over to his throne next to Courtney, who was sporting a thin purple dress and a silver tiara. Cameron stood back at the door, wondering how the door opened if Courtney was still sitting until he felt a cold hand on his head.

He glanced up at the woman, whose lips curved into a grin once he recognized her. "Hey, Gwen!" Cameron greeted, earning himself a pat on the head. Gwen smiled down at him, "Nice to see you, Cam. How are you?" "Alright, I mean, Jo's been a lot nicer to me recently." "That's always good news." "Ahem."

The two friends eyed Courtney anxiously, Cameron instinctively bowing. Courtney motioned for him to rise, addressing him, "So, Duncan tells me you have a message?" Cameron nodded, slipping the envelope out from his pocket and handing it to her.

She took her fingernail and ripped the note open, skimming it before groaning. "Is there something wrong, Miss?" Cameron asked as Courtney handed the note to Duncan for him to read. She sighed, "It seems that Lady Jo hasn't been completely informed of her man's work."

Gwen exchanged a confused look with Cameron before asking, "Uh, what work?" Duncan snickered, informing them about Brick's earlier visit. "He came by about a week ago, asking us about what Lightning's been up to, and if we were willing to help him with an alliance..." Cameron interrupted, "Excuse me, but what alliance?" Courtney grabbed a stack of papers from beside her chair, picking one from the bottom and showing it to the boy.

"He said he was going to talk to Heather and Scott about joining together against Lightning to take him down. I definitely signed, that bastard took a huge amount of my trades profit and spent it all away without my permission!" She was fuming, Gwen rushing to sit her down before she exploded. Cameron grinned slightly, "Well, that's good news. Jo would be ecstatic to hear that."

They began discussing a few trivial things, an entire hour passes before they were interrupted by an atrocious set of loud bangs came from the door. "Your Majesties! Lord Brick and Lady Zoey request to see you immediately. The situation is dire!" Courtney and Duncan nodded to each other, then raced out the door, followed by a puzzled Gwen and Cameron right at their heels.

"What is going on out here?"

*Words: 1078*

((MY SISTER CHOSE WELL! I gave her my notebook with a bunch of names down, and she circled Duncan and Cameron *because her name is Camryn. Until next time, let's hope nothing has exploded yet! ~Kay☆))

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