Я люблю тебя, Джоджи Миллер.

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Joji Miller was the happiest man alive. His YouTube channel was thriving, he felt good about his music, his mental health was under control. He also had the best boyfriend a guy good ask for.

Ian Carter was smart, witty, handsome as fuck, charming when he wants to be. The most attractive thing about him was how well he handles Joji's depression, anxiety and stress. Ian would do anything for Joji in a heartbeat. All he has to do is ask really.

Both Joji and Ian have such a huge and "loyal" fan base. If either of them were to point a gun at a crying kid before taking candy away from him and film it, then there is no doubt someone would try to justify their actions as satire. They could set some old lady's house on fire and some people would probably still say "lol".

Unfortunately, for whatever reason, being gay is different when it comes to those sort of things. Joji and Ian have no idea how their "fans" would react to them being gay and a couple. Not that either of them are gay or ashamed of liking guys and each other.

Joji doesn't really like labels as it is. If he had to he would say bi or pan. Same goes for Ian. They've simply decided it was best not to publicize their relationship because whether people are for or against gay couples someone will always have something to say about it and they'd both much rather not only be seen for something as small as their sexuality.

Ian would love to tell the world about his and Joji's secret love affair and so would Joji, except they both find secrets hot, it's none of anyone's business, and no one really cares so things are fine the way they are for now. Or so Joji thinks.

Joji fell for Ian not just because he was a nice guy, but he also felt he was loyal. He had dated enough girls himself to know how much it hurt when someone wasn't honest or disloyal. Especially when he had given them everything. Little did Joji know, Ian isn't quite as loyal of a man as he thinks.

"Hey, babe." Ian said to his boyfriend as he walked up to him to give him a quick peck on the lips. Joji was in the kitchen of his house, sitting at the table with his laptop in front of him. He only absentmindedly returned the kiss and responded with a simple "hey".

Ian turned his attention to Joji's screen to see what he was working on. "What are you looking at?"

"Scripts... lyrics... just a bunch of work I forced onto myself. I also have a shit ton of costumes and props to order." Joji stopped in the middle of what he was doing to yawn and rub his eyes. Ian just looked at him slightly disappointed.

"I gotta... finish all of this before Saturday..." Joji continued. Ian continued staring at him and it was beginning to make Joji feel uncomfortable and frustrated. "... What?"

"You stayed up all night doing this."


"Again. For the third time in a row this week."

"Yeah. So, what?"

"Joji, you know damn well what that kind of stress could do to you. Why didn't you tell me sooner I could've helped you with all this." Ian could not have been more genuinely concerned. Joji means the world to him and if he didn't have him he knows he would be incredibly lonely.

Joji understands this to some extent, but at the same time he doesn't want Ian to feel worried for him or do everything for him just to keep him from mentally shutting down. Although, he also understands that depriving himself of sleep definitely isn't the best way to go about that.

"I'm sorry, babe. I know you mean well it's just... I really wanted to try to get through all of this on my own for once."

Ian sighed and wrapped his arms around Joji's shoulders, practically cradling him. "Listen, babe. you can do whatever you want as long as you don't lose sleep over it." Ian turned Joji's face up to his and kissed him softly on the lips for a moment. Then, he pulled their lips apart and stared at his very sleep-deprived boyfriend and whispered "I think it's about time you took a break." Ian went back to kissing him except this time it was a bit more lustful than before.

waste my time~ jojianWhere stories live. Discover now