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It is now 8:00 a.m. in the morning. Joji and Ian are still spooning on the picnic blanket at the park. Joji is still sleeping, but Ian woke up about an hour ago and only stayed up so he can watch his beautiful and pure boyfriend sleep. 

As Joji laid there in his peaceful slumber, Ian would gently stroke his hair back off of his face and drape his arm back over his hip. He loved the way it felt when Joji would inhale, his chest would slowly ascend lifted his arm up a little with it, and exhale, his chest would softly descend calmly descend with his arm accompanying it. Everything was peaceful. Tranquil. Neither of them had a care in the world. Ian would have chosen to stay like this forever if he could.

Unfortunately, reality calls like an alarm clock; Or a blunt reminder to Ian that Joji isn't the only man in his life like he use to be; A blunt reminder that Ian isn't as loyal of a man that Joji  believes him to be.

It was a call from none other than the mistress himself: Max. Of course he had to call so early in the day, completely unaware of what a perfect moment he was ruining for them. Before it could ring any longer, Ian smacked his hand down over his phone and pressed ignore without looking. He kept his eyes entirely on his boyfriend who could wake up at any moment and see him acting weird which would- he is literally straining his neck to look over Joji's shoulder to make sure he's not awake- and start questioning who Max really is and why they really have been meeting up so much lately. Luckily for him, Joji is typically a heavy sleeper as well as painfully oblivious to his and Max's secret sexual rendezvous.

Ian, as inconspicuous as he could possibly be, picked up his phone, went straight to his Messages between him and Max and started typing like his fingers were on fire. He had to do this despite him being right next to Joji at the moment. If Joji had felt his body heat suddenly disappear, then he was definitely going to wake up. 


Max: wtf's your probably?

Ian: i just so happen to be a little busy 

at the moment so do you think this could 

maybe wait LATER???

Max: no it actually can't. we have a video to 

finish and we seriously need to talk about 

something. TODAY. 

Max: and that's not all i have to do today so we

 NEED to make this shit quick i'm on a fucking 

deadline here Ian!

Ian: ALRIGHT DAMN! i'll be there in about 

an hour okay?

Max: whatever. bye.

Ian couldn't help but sense Max's unusually snippy tone with over text. Of he could just be over analyzing a text conversation and if he was being snippy it could have just been in response to the way Ian answered him. "Fuck!" ian cursed under his breath, almost loud enough for his boyfriend- sleeping right next to to him- to hear, it made him shift a little in Ian's arms.

Nonetheless, it stressed Ian out. He was worried that he'd have to deal with his attitude while he was with him in person later that day as well. And just what the hell did he want to talk about anyway? Whatever it was it better have actually been that serious because with the weird way Max has been acting towards him, Ian was seriously considering dumping him at times.  

waste my time~ jojianWhere stories live. Discover now