Я люблю тебя, Макс.

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In the time where Ian was suppose to be "helping a friend shoot a video" he was actually busy helping a friend get off. As soon as Ian made it to Max's place, they immediately clashed lips, stripped down naked, and made their way over to Max's bed so they can fuck in it. 

Max was on all fours taking it in the ass from Ian and panting like a dog. Ian grabbed a handful of Max's hair and jerked it back, causing Max to yell in pain for a brief second, so He could lean forward and roughly kiss him. max moaned into the kiss and they pulled apart. Ian left hickeys all over Max's back and a couple on his neck. 

Ian sped up his thrusting as max was reaching his climax. It was only a few more before Max let out a strain shriek of pleasure as he came all over the sheets, but Ian kept going so he could ride out the orgasm he didn't get to have with Joji. 


He missed Joji right now. As he thought about his actual boyfriend he came inside of Max and let out a quiet groan. Finally Max's body was allowed to collapse on the bed. Ian pulled out and collapsed on the bed next to him. Both of them were breathing heavy as they were coming down from their sex high. 

Max looked over at Ian and reached over to pinch his arm causing him to yell "Ow! What the hell was that for?" at Max.

"For pulling my fucking hair." Max snapped back at him. Ian's eyes left Max's after he said that.

"Oh. Sorry, I forgot you don't like that..."

"Oh. Does... "he" like it?" Max asked, putting emphasis on the "he". It's not that he didn't like Joji, he's hasn't even actually met him, or the fact that Ian had a boyfriend at all. He just wasn't sure if it was really appropriate to mention his boyfriend's name after they just cheated on him for the umpteenth time. Ian understands this. They've just never actually discussed that kind of stuff.

Ian chuckled for a brief second. "You can say his name."

"Okay then. Well... Joji. Does Joji like that sort of thing?" Max laughed a little.

"Yeah, he's... a bit of a freak, I guess..."

"But you like that about him though." Max stated the obvious.

"Yeah..." Ian said barely audible with a small smile forming at his lips.

Max rolled over on top of Ian's stomach and looked up at him with soft eyes and a curious look on his face. "What do you like about me?"

Ian didn't really know how to answer that question, he just knew he liked him for some reason. "... I don't know. Your... hair?"

"You like Joji's hair." Max sighed.

"Yeah, so?" Ian responded genuinely confused.

"What's something you specifically like about me? Something I have that he can't give you."

"I don't... Why do you wanna know all of a sudden anyway?" Ian asked, starting to get a bit frustrated with Max's endless questions.

"Sorry, it's just lately I've been feeling like you might actually love him more than me, which i'm totally fine with. I just want you to be honest with me about it."

Ian felt beyond awkward at this point. Now, he really didn't know what to say to that. "I don't... love him more than you... I just care about him more... I don't know if that makes sense or-"

"So, you love me? Well, that's news to me. Since when?"

Ian just stayed quiet as he thought to himself about what was even going on right now. Max could feel his confusion burning his skin,so he decided to drop the conversation for another day. Max rolled off of Ian and crawled his way out of the bed sheets and off the bed. He picked up his clothes and put the on one piece of clothing at a time.

"Where are you going?" Ian asked, still laying naked in bed and kind of missing Max's body heat.

"We still have a video to shoot, in case you forgot. Get dressed." Max said while tossing Ian's clothes over to him. "And hurry up I got other things to do today."

Max's words reminded him that he had promised Joji that he'd take him on a date later that day after he was done filming. The last thing he wants to do is stand his boyfriend up for another guy.

"Shit. I do, too, actually." Ian sighed.

"Plans with Joji?"

"Yeah. We better get this done quick."

"Well... Hey, we can just film like half of it and do the rest tomorrow if you'd like."

"Thanks, man." Ian said as he finished putting all of his clothes on. They both walked out of the room and grabbed the camera and the props for the video. Then, they went outside to film.

After they were done filming what they needed for today, Ian checked the time and knew he had to leave before Joji woke up. They put everything away for tomorrow and went back inside. Max walked to the front door with Ian and opened the door to let him out. 

"So, uh... i'll see you later then?" Max asked kind of awkwardly.

"Yeah." Ian gave Max a quick kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear "I love you, Max. I really do."

"Yeah, okay. Hurry up and get out of here, cunt. Don't forget you have a date to go on." Max pushed Ian away from him. He raked his fingers back through his hair and pushed up his glasses, but Ian didn't see when Max rolled his eyes. "And don't fuck it up either."

"Right, right. Um... see you later." Ian responded kind of awkwardly. Ian turned away from his doorway and left.

Max shut the door behind him and walked to his room. He fell face first on to his bed and screamed into the pillow. He turned over ans stared at the ceiling. 

"Uggghhh. Fuuuuck meeee!" he groaned. He was incredibly frustrated and upset. While he did love Ian, he couldn't help but feel like he was only being used for sex. What made him feel even more like crap was he's pretty sure Ian is only doing this to him just because he can. He's never really felt right about cheating himself so he broke up with his girlfriend to be with Ian. Unfortunately, at that time he was unaware that Ian had already been dating Joji. Ian told him the can still "fool around" with each other and his boyfriend just doesn't have to find out. But Max still felt guilty as hell about it.

Another thing that was on his mind was why he started cheating on his boyfriend in the first place. He's clearly in love with him. Were they just not in a good place at the moment? Max didn't know, but he sure as hell was curious. 

Max was also curious of what kind of person Joji was. Maybe he was a horrible boyfriend and cheating on him is just Ian's way of trying to ease himself out of the relationship. Or maybe he's an awesome boyfriend and Ian's just the worst. Either way, Max really want to find out for himself. 

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