Сердца из золота.

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It's been three days since Ian came over to Max's apartment instead of facing Joji, his boyfriend, and he hasn't left since. Max isn't really complaining though. Only because he already sees so little of Ian due to him already having a boyfriend so he'll take what he can get. On the other hand, Max was well aware of how pathetic that would sound to any person in a normal relationship. For that reason alone, Max knew he had to get Ian out of his apartment and back with Joji so he can move further with his "plans".

Ian and Max were both sitting on the couch next to each other very, very close. Max's head was leaning on Ian's shoulder while Ian had his arm around Max's shoulder. They weren't doing anything but watching some reality TV show they didn't. Neither of them felt like changing the channel. Everything felt warm and loving and Max couldn't have asked for anything better, but it still felt wrong somehow. Ian' wasn't his and he knew that in his head. He just needed his stupid heart to catch up with his head.

"Um... Ian? I gotta go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Max said awkwardly before standing up and leaving the room.

"Sure, babe."

Boy did that feel strange to hear coming from him. But Max knew it wasn't genuine. So, he just ignored it and continued on his way to the bathroom. Except he wasn't really going in there to "do his business". He pulled out his phone and pulled up Joji's contact. He stared at it for a while like it was evidence of an act he wasn't guilty of yet. 

He took a deep breath and tried to relax himself as much as possible. "This so dumb..." He opened a new conversation with Joji on his phone and began typing.

Unknown: hey, babe. i'm sorry i couldn't 

say I love you. i just wasn't ready. plz forgive 


Sure, it was cheesy as hell, but that was what he was going for. He was hoping that Joji would see the text and feel bad for and be curious enough to want to know what's going on. Of course that is just him assuming that Joji is as caring of a person that would do that. It was a risky and dumb move to make, but he panicked under the pressure of how exactly he should go about the this and this was the best he came up with. Luckily Joji turned out to be a far more kind person than he previously imagined. He responded to his text just as he hoped.

Joji: uh... this isn't your girlfriend, sorry. 

Joji: ... not that it's any of my business but 

if you aren't ready to admit something that

 deep yet than i don't think you should 

feel pressured to. 

Joji: if you guys truly love each other then 

there's nothing to worry about because 

neither of you will need to say it

Joji: you'll just feel it...

Joji: wow i just spammed a random person 

with stupid cheesy love advice haha i'm so sorry!

He seemed a little weird to Max, but sweet as hell. Now he was getting jealous of how nice he seemed. Now he felt awful about tricking him like this... on top of sleeping with his boyfriend every other day.

Unknown: oh... wow i'm sorry. you're so nice.

Unknown: um... what's you're name?... you don't have to tell me.

Joji: George

Joji: but you can call me Joji

Unknown: oh lol. why?

Joji: it's just a nickname

Unknown: well, i'm max. wanna meet up 

some time and talk about stuff?

Joji: sure, it's not like i have anything better to do.

Unknown: wow. what if i was trying to kill 

you or molest you or some shit like that

Joji: it wouldn't be the first time and i do 

have a gun so i'm not too worried.

Unknown: oh... good to know i guess...

Joji: so where do you wanna meet?

"Jesus-fucking-Christ, he's for real?" Max said to himself out loud. 

Unknown: is starbucks okay?

Joji: yeah. i'll be there around twelve.

Unknown: okay. later.

Joji didn't reply after that. Ten minutes had passed and he just realized that he's been in the bathroom this whole time, his boyfriend outside in the living room on the couch by himself, and Max hasn't made a single sound. 

Ian wouldn't necessarily be too worried over something like that, unless it was Joji of course, but it's weird enough to make anyone curious what the hell he's actually doing in there. He flushed the toilet, despite never actually going, and washed his hands before he left the bathroom.

"Hey, babe. Sorry that took so long."

"Oh, it's cool. I don't care." Ian said as his head jumped up from his phone and he turned it off, hiding it away in his pocket.

Max noticed this, but he really didn't feel like bringing it up. Especially after the nerve-racking conversation he just had with Ian's real boyfriend. He simply stole a quick glance down at Ian's pocket as he put his arm back around Max's shoulder and let out a quiet sigh saying, "One battle at a time." under his breath. Unfortunately, Ian heard him.

"You say something?"

"Hm? Oh. Nothing at all."

Ian just shrugged it off and continued watching the very boring show while he held Max very close on the couch, both of them as relaxed as the could be at the moment.

It's about time I updated this so-called literature, piece or crap fanfiction.

Lol i'm joking. I appreciate my work very much.


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