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Allie's P.O.V

Let me catch you up.

It's been three weeks since Kennedy's parents got what they deserved. I remember that night very well, all of us got drunk on the 1D tour bus, just because, well other then Kennedy and Mikey. They stuck to soda.

Luke and I, well we may or may not have fucked in Harry's bed. Whoops, sorry Hazza.

Only problem is, I have no clue if we used protection seeing as we were both pretty drunk that night. I have gotten sick three out of sevven days this week and Kennedy and I are worried taht I might be pregnant to. I haven't said anything ot the boys yet, but Kennedy and I are going to get a test for me.

We only told Lou. She said she would go and get the test so no rumours would be started until we knew the truth and told the fans, and the media ourselves.

I also almost got up0skirted by a pap yesterday. If you don't know what up-skirting is, It's when a pap or a fan tries to get under a girls dress and get pictures and put them everywhere, and say you took them yourself.

I kicked the guys camera out of his hands and onto the ground.

He was surprised, but what did he think I was gonna do? I mean, he was basically shoving his fucking camera up my vagina. Like no dude, back the fuck up!

Thats pretty much all the excitment that happened. Other then Kennedy getting cravings for some really strange shit. She wanted chocolate covered cheeto's. Sounds gross right? Wrong, I had one and it was surprisingliy good.

Back to the present.

Kennedy and I are in the 1D boy's dressing room with Lou. All the boys are in the 5SOS dressing room, since Lou told them to stay in there for a little while. Lou got me my tests, she got three just so we can be sure.

She handed them to me and I went into the bathroom section of the room. I did what I needed to do, the three times and I sat here and waited. I washed my hands and put some water on my face to calm my nerves a little bit.

I waited the three minutes required, so that the answer can be told.

I looked at the three tests and majority ruled. There was two positives, and a negative, well it was a positive but the second line was very very faint. So I guess it was technically all positives.

"Kennedy, Lou." I said as I opened the door. They both came over to me and tok a test out of my hand. Kennedy hugged me and said it would be okay, and Lou congratulated me. As weird as this is gonna sound, Lou is like a second mum to me. She's always there when I need her, and she never judges me.

I couldn't help but start crying. I feel like I just let Luke down. I let my mum and Andrew down. I let my whole family down. The boys. The fans. Everyone...

The thought of three new born babies being in my house, is going to be hard. My mum's will be first, then Kennedy's, then mine. Buth they are all going to be really close in age, which really sucks. You know what else sucks? I always promised my mum i would never be sixteen with a kid, and look at me now....This is just fucking fantstic.

I decided I could t=ask Andrew for help. He's a really good secret keeper.

To: Papa Hemmings - Andrew, I need your help! It's urgent!

I sent the message. It only took him about a minute to reply to me.

From: Papa Hemmings - What's going on Allie? Is everything alright over there?

To: Papa Hemmings - Can you please not tell anyone what I am about to tell you?

From: Papa Hemmings - I won't. Don't worry, just tell me what' going on. You have me worried sick about you right now.

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