The Life of the Twins

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Maggie's P.O.V

"Let's go Hannah, we're gonna be late to the Meet & Greet" I yell

"I'm coming, I just have to check my hair" my best friend yells back

Hannah is my best friend and I love her, but boy does she take for ever to do her hair.

Hannah walks out of the bathroom, her hair curled and blonde at the tips.

"You ready?" I ask

"Yes, let's go meet the boys that saved us, and who hopefully will fall for us" she smirks

"Really Hannah, you're the one wearing a dress and heels, I'm wearing a 1D sweatshirt, skinny jeans, & sandals"

"Too late to change now, I told you I'm desperate to get a boyfriend and I want Louis as mine. I've been single too damn long" she complains

"Never gonna happen, they meet probably thousands of girls a day, we're just another fan to them." I say as I lock my mums flat.

"Which isn't fair, we should be able to get to kno- well, I don't need to get to know them, they're my idols, I pretty much stalk them and know everything about them." she laughs loudly

"You don't know their penis size, or anything like that Hannah! And if you think they're gonna fall for you, when your wearing that," I point to her outfit, "your dead wrong, they like girls who are themselves." And with that, I jump in my car and drive.

The car ride was silent, considering I just yelled at her because of what she was wearing.

When we arrive, there is nowhere to park, so I park down the road and we have to walk.

When we get to the building, loads of girls are standing outside, but the guard is only letting people with passes in.

We walk up to the guard.

"Passes please" he says, and we hand him our passes.

"Right this way ladies." He says, and our journey begins.

The Life of the Twins {h.s} COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora