Chapter 25

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Maggie's P.O.V

I wake up to people yelling.

Luke's still snoring quietly.

Ash is still sleeping.

Cal's still in a coma.

I sit up as fast as my body will let me. "Luke, wake up" I shake him

"What?" He groans

"What is that?" He sits up pretty fast for a guy in the hospital

"It's just the person in the room next to us" he says and lays back down.

I lay back down, on my left side, facing Luke.

I smile at him and he slowly turns his head to look at me.

He sees my smiling. "What?" He laughs

"You got some dry drool on your face"

"Really?" He turns his head and rubs his face.

"I'm kidding. Look at me" I turn his face toward mine.

He turns onto his right side, looking down at me. "You're so handsome" I smile

"You're so gorgeous" he smiles back

"Shut the fuck up love birds and Luke cover up your ass man, god damn" Ashton yells

"Someone's grumpy" I look over Luke's shoulder and look at Ashton as he's giving Luke a disturbed look

"Don't fucking look then dumbass"

"These hospital gowns are torture" I look at Luke

"I fucking know that" he says, raising his voice

"Don't yell at me" I slap his bicep

"Fuck. Ouch" he grabs his arm and his face contorts

"I'm so sorry Luke" I quickly sit up, and put my hand over his, which is on his bicep where I slapped him

"I'm just kidding. I don't even know why I got admitted into this damn hospital, nothing's wrong with me"

I lay back down and face toward Luke. I catch myself looking at Luke's lips, when his frown turns upside down.

I reach forward and pull on his lip. "What are ya doing?" He tries to ask me

"Oh, uhm, sorry" I pull my hand away and I feel the blush creep onto my cheeks

"No, you're fine" he smiles at me and bites his lip

"Luke, I'm not gonna fucking tell you again, cover up your damn ass, I don't like seeing it every time I open my eyes"

I take the blanket, from under me and out it over Luke's body.

"Atleast someone has the decency to cover up his ass" Ashton looks at me and smiles

"Piss off" Luke says, still looking at me

"Ehem?" I look toward the door

"Yes?" Luke asks

"Mr.Hemmings, the doctor sees nothing wrong with you, am I correct, or are you in pain?"

"Of course I'm bruised, and in a bit of pain, but I'm fine, I can go home." He shrugs

"Alright. Well, get dressed and check out" she smiles at him. "Whenever you're ready"

The nurse walks out of the room and Luke sits up and swings his legs off of the bed.

He walks over to the table, next to Cal and grabs the plastic bag which was holding the boys clothes in it.

He picks it up and walks to the bathroom. He closes the door and the air outside the bathroom is filled with silence, until Ashton speaks up.

The Life of the Twins {h.s} COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora