Summer holidays

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'Well,' I said, 'I guess, I'll see you soon then Luce.'
Lucy threw her arms around me. She had never hugged me before.
I must admit it, Lucy is a great hugger. she sends waves of warmth with each hug.

Lucy picked up her bag and her rapier. For some reason, she insisted on taking it with her.
'So, oxford, here I come!' She said, opening the door.
Just before she left, I handed her an envelope.
'Only read this once you're on the train, ok?'

What was in the envelope, you may ask?


A letter, by me. Since the creeping shadow case, I knew that Lucy didn't only have psychic talents, she had other amazing talents that she didn't know about. When she was gone, I was different. Before I met her, I was incomplete. When she first joined our team, I knew she was special, but I was blind, and thought that this was only because of her addition to our team, then later, because of her being my best friend, but since the creeping shadow case, when we were so close, and her warmth kept me from freezing, that i realised she meant more to me. A lot more. She was the one that gave me my courage and straight-forwardness. When she left, I kept throwing myself into dangerous situations. She wasn't attractive, like holly, or intelligent like George, but her simpleness, messiness , and feisty character were what made her the Lucy I know. The Lucy I love.

I needed her to know this. I needed her to know she was different. I've never been a romantic type, and I've never fallen for anybody else before.

'George?' I said quietly,
'Have you ever fallen in love before?'
He looked up at me from doodling on the thinking cloth.
'Most certainly not, thankyou very much. Why do you ask?'
'Oh, no reason, just curious.'
'Lockwood, it isn't- Lucy, is it?'

I can't clearly remember what happened after that, but I do remember George laughing at how red my cheeks had apparently gone.
But I hadn't gotten enough out of him. I wanted to know why it felt like it did. Was it- pain? Or warmth? Or cold? I wanted to know.

So I went to holly

'Holly, have you ever been in love before?'
'L-Lockwood, what are you trying to get at?'
Obviously she had gotten the wrong idea.
'No, no, holly, I have another question.'
'Do you think Lucy loves me?'

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