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'Oh, Lockwood, I'm so sorry. I - I had no idea.'
'Lucy, it's ok, I know I can trust you with my thoughts, so I'm happy I could tell you something more about me.'

'I'm sorry too, you know.'
Suddenly a dark shadow approached us from one of the hedges. Lucy and I shot up and instinctively pulled out our rapiers.

'No, Lockwood, it's me!'
I recognised that voice. It was extremely familiar.
'Holly, were you listening in to our conversation?'
I was a little shocked. Her hair was ruffled and a yellow leaf was laying neatly on top.
'No, no, I came just before Lucy said she was sorry. I promise I heard nothing. Which makes me worry about what you were talking about.'
'Oh no, no, nothing. But, if you didn't hear what we said, why are you sorry?'
Holly pushed away some hair from her face. She looked very concerned.
'Oh, I'm sorry for what'll become of you. I came to tell you that George is looking for you. He really doesn't like this thing between you. But, I fell into a bush trying to hide from you. You should really watch out. I've never seen George like this.' Holly paused. She gave us an I-knew-this-was-going-to-happen-all-along look, 'If I didn't know any better, I'd tell you to never go back home, you don't want to know what George has done. Lucy, you'll hate this the most.'
Oh god.
'Lucy we've got to go back!' I grabbed her hand and we ran to one of the cabs parked nearby, then we were driven back home.

From the outside, I could tell something was different just by looking in through the window.
I ran inside. I couldn't believe my eyes, everything was so... tidy. Lucy came in shortly afterwards. I went into the kitchen, it was pristine.
'George?' I called.
George came down the stairs.
'Lockwood! You're back so early? I thought you wanted to keep Lucy busy all night!'
'I came up with a theory. One that concerns Lucy. If you don't mind I'm going to ask her a few questions, or did you have any other plans for the rest of the night?'
'No, no, but why did you clean everything?'
'Well, I was bored. And so was holly, so she taught me how to tidy up. I bet your night was more interesting though, at the Rotwell's party.'
'Oh, George-'
'No, it's ok, I know you want to be all romantic with Lucy. I won't take it personally. If you don't mind, Lucy I need a few answers from you. I have quite the theory that I need to confirm.'
George walked off with Lucy. She hadn't said a word since when we saw holly at the park. Maybe she wasn't feeling well again.

I went up to my room to look through some of my parents old relics. I wasn't tired, my sleeping schedule had been quite random these past few days.

I ended up falling asleep on the floor next to an old ghost warding mask made of goatskin and steel. You were meant to stuff lavender in the nose pouch to protect you from being ghost touched directly in the face.

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