Better than before

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'Lucy?' I knocked on her bedroom door.
'What, Lockwood?'
'Lucy I just wanted to talk.'
Lucy opened the door.
She sat me down next to her on the bed.
'Lucy, I-'
'No, let me go first. Why do you all of a sudden tell me you love me? Especially if it's not even true. I don't get it.'
I looked up at her. She seemed a little distracted. The skull in the jar was glowing bright green, making disgusted faces, and I could sense it was saying something to Lucy.
'One second.' She said as she got up, twisted the jar's lever shut and covered it with a cloth to block out its light.
She sat back down next to me.
'Where was I? Oh yes, and not only all that, you also decided it would be entertaining to kiss me. Your turn.'
I looked back down at the floor covered in scattered clothes.
'Actually I don't think that letter was such a great idea you know. I should've found some other way of telling you all that.'
She sat up straight all of a sudden.
'Lockwood, are you trying to convince me that what you said is true? Honestly I don't know what has come over you, since that creeping shadow case you haven't been the same!'
'Luce, I can't explain it, it was just suddenly clear to me, that's all, and you know the confidence I have.'
'Lockwood, nobody knows you as well as I do, come on, you know that too!'

We talked over everything for a while, but I still couldn't convince her I actually loved her. It was a real struggle, but in the end I took her to a place I had never brought anyone before. To a dance.

Now, I am most certainly not a dancer, I prefer sitting back and watching, but this time I'd let Lucy choose what to do.

'A dance? Wow, you really do obsess over me!'
She flicked her hair into my face, making me smile.
'Lockwood, you're starting to convince me, maybe! But we should go if we don't want to be late.'
I reached down into the pocket of my blue suit.
'Before we go, I need to give you this.'
I handed her a crimson coloured jewellery box, inside it a gold bracelet encrusted with diamonds.
'Lockwood, you aren't going to propose to me with this are you!?' She said playfully.
'Not quite yet Luce! Maybe another ten years to go, bet you can't wait!'
We both giggled.
'Seriously. Thankyou Lockwood. It's- it's so-'
'Yes my lady?'
Lucy sighed in playful annoyance.
'I'd have a special present for you too.'
'Oh really? I bet it doesn't beat this fabulous bracelet though!'
She placed a hand on my shoulder, as if she were sorry for my defeat.
'Sorry Lockwood, but this present is better than all the gems in the world put together.'
She pulled me down to whisper something in my ear, she held my neck, then she pulled me down into a kiss.
'This present, it's me.' She leaned in further and started kissing me more passionately, but pulled away when the cab driver outside started honking furiously. As we were about to step out, we heard a creak on the stair floorboards.
'And where do you two think you are going?'
It was George. He was holding an enormously long baguette filled with butter and cheese in one hand, and a magazine in the other. He did not look like someone we wanted to deal with right now. So I grabbed Lucy's hand and whispered 'come on!'
We ran away into the night.

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