Broken hearts

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We finished off the case, and the two sources ended up being precious gems hidden under the fixed pillows in the old chairs.
Lucy almost walked straight into one of the lurkers, because she didn't want to listen to anyone.

Once we had finished the case, we got home to a warm cup of tea and holly's carrot cupcakes. Shortly afterward I saw my chance to ask Lucy for a 2 minute chat.

'Luce, did I do something? Because honestly all it looks like to me is you're being cold for no reason.'
Lucy shook her head.
'Lockwood, I can't believe you could play around with my feelings like that. I just can't believe you did-'
'Did what Lucy? What did I do?'
Lucy started sobbing loudly, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.
'How could you just mess with my heart like that? What did I do to you?'
'Lucy, what EVER could I have done?'
She sniffled
'That letter you gave me' she began

Of course. The letter. Why had I not thought of that? But - the letter was meant to be a nice confession, not , well, this.

'Lockwood I have actual feelings for you, and with this fake letter, I felt like a joke. You broke my heart. You don't love me, you hardly think more of me than a colleague! You're just messing with me. I can't believe you-'

I leaned in and placed my palms on her face, and with my thumbs I wiped away the tears from her eyes, then, I pulled her in so our faces were almost touching. She didn't try to get away, she just stayed there, staring at me with eyes as wide and as bright as gold coins. George and holly dropped silent and I faintly heard George shout 'oh LOCKWOOD! What do you think you are doing?' but it was muffled under the sound of mine and Lucy's racing hearts.

Then, I leaned in and kissed her. Holly let out a squeaky scream.

Lucy pulled herself away, then pushed me into the wall.
For a few seconds, she just stood there staring at me. She was obviously confused. She didn't know what to think. Then she ran upstairs. And holly disappeared.

'What do you think you are doing?'
'I don't care if this is my house or not, as long as I live here, I will not have th- THIS happening-'
'George. I- I think Lucy is hurt.'
'Well, I'm thinking we have a good detective here! Why isn't that your job? You seem pretty professional!'
'No! I should've shoved these two baguettes between you two! You're like little kids, how am I meant to trust you two being alone? That being said, during the creeping shadow case, don't tell me you-'
'No, no. Come on.'
'Next time I see this happening, rather than shoving two baguettes between you I will walk the both of you with them!'
George was staring at me with round eyes, his pink pudgy cheeks had gone flaming red and his circular nose kept twitching.
I sat up.
'Ok, ok. George, this won't happen again...'
George sighs in relief. He walks off calmer than before. I wait until he is out of ear range.
'... not around you, anyway' I whisper inaudibly.

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