RIver Lets Her Walls Down- Danger? Pregnancy?

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The Doctor slumped in the TARDIS chair. He missed his wife, terribly. He wanted to apologise about all that had happened the last few days. The way he had treated her made him feel sick inside.

He knew if he wanted to he could go and see her straight away. But what would he say? He felt so guilty. How would he fix this? She had no reason to accept his apology (though in truth he knew she would), she deserved so much better than this.

His wife was always taking care of him, hiding the damage for him so that he didn't feel bad. In a way, many ways, he wished she didn't do that. He wanted to look after her for once. That's one of the many problems that kept them apart; she held a thick wall up to hold back all her emotions, she refused to let him see how she felt. He wanted to help, but he couldn't.

The Doctor felt a large thump! as the TARDIS decided to land.

"Landing already, old girl? Or should I call you sexy now? Hmmm...anyway. Where are we this time?" The Doctor asked, dancing around the console until he found the scanner.

They were in an Earth apartment in Bristol. "Why, on the moon of Walflesters, are we here?" The Doctor asked, slowly edging towards the doors. The TARDIS groaned just as a scream came from outside her beautiful console. The Doctor nodded his head in approval before running out the doors to find out what was going on.

He was in a small living room like area. Another scream arose from upstairs. The Doctor sprinted up the stairs two at a time. When he made it around a corner he was faced with a TARDIS blue door. Gently he swung it open, revealing a cosy bedroom.

Sprawled across the bed was River Song, his wife. She let out another scream desperately clinging to the duvet that was slowly sliding off the edge of the bed. The Doctor ran over to her, grabbing her shivering hands.

"It's okay River. I'm here now. It was only a dream, just wake up. Come on, I know you can do it!" The Doctor encouraged giving her a little shake. That's when he noticed, her eyes were soaked and red from crying. She began to softly call for him.

"Doctor...Doctor...please...don't do this to me......I'm in so much pain."

"I know, but you have to wake up!" The Doctor shaking River.

She groaned turning over in her sleep. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and clamped her shirt. She shrieked shoving her hands onto her stomach. Is she pregnant? But how? I mean......I know how but...when? She can't go on like this. The Doctor knew she was having nightmares. He carefully scooped her into his arms and slowly carried her out of the room. The TARDIS moaned as they entered, her child was ill and she could sense it.

The Doctor carried River into the TARDIS corridor, before reaching a room with a red cross on it. He nudged the door with his shoulder, and it easily swung open. He gently placed River into medical cot, before rushing over to some advanced looking medical equipment. He pulled a scanner over her fragile body. The scanner dinged as it showed the analysis of her condition.

Names: Melody Pond, Mels, River Song, Melody Malone, the child of the TARDIS, the women who killed the Doctor

Species: Human/Time Lord

Pregnancy: positive/negative/dead/alive

Fatal injuries: 1

Physical injuries: 24

Emotional injuries: 32

Danger: high

State: sleeping

Enemies: 10,000

Needs: serious medical attention. Emotional trauma prevents consciousness. In serious danger. Pregnancy difficulties; unknown.

"She's in danger and pregnant? Difficulties? Hmm? I need to get her to the Sisters of the Infinite Schism, greatest hospital the universe has ever known and will ever know! Just wait here, River, your going to be okay, I just have to get us to the schism. You stay here and be good, I...um...I love you..." the Doctor admitted awkwardly, planting a quick kiss on her forehead before rushing out to the control room.

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