River Lets Her Walls Down~ My Bittersweet Elixir

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He turned around tears filling his glistening eyes.

"Doctor? Talk to me. Look, I know that face, tell me what's wrong." River whispered, sending small electric shocks down his spine. She placed her hand on the Doctors shoulder, trying to comfort him. He simply didn't want her sympathy.

"Please, I can help, sweetie...I mean Doctor."

Sweetie? He was most definitely not her sweetie. Rose? Rose, maybe, but now his duplicate was

with her in a parallel universe.

What about his lover back on Gallifrey. True they had loved each other, and had had many children, and he wished that she was still alive, but they still had big problems. When the Doctor decided that he wanted to travel through time and space, it had been his way of getting away from everything. Nonetheless he had invited his wife to come with him. She had refused, so he went by himself.

Of course, eventually, he needed someone to travel with. That was when he had asked his granddaughter Susan to come, and she'd accepted. His wife on Gallifrey hadn't been too offended by that, but when he got a new companion she had been.

Vicki was a young companion, who was attractive and that made his wife jealous. She was mad at him for it, and as he let newer, younger and prettier girls join him she had gotten madder and madder. She wanted him to help her take care of their children, but the Doctor couldn't stay in one place, he had to travel. So, he ran. The Doctor never stopped.

When the Time war came he had had no choice but to use the moment. Now, his wife on Gallifrey, was gone. Dead. Along with his children and family. The Doctor tried not to think about it, but it endlessly seemed to enter his mind.

This woman, with curly hair, had no right to call him sweetie. His wife back on Gallifrey's pet name for him had been: ∂ ∫∫≈∑O†¥, which translated to sweet elixir. She had always called him her sweet elixir, always her. She would say "Hello my sweet elixir." or "You're mine, my bittersweet elixir.". She told him it was because he had made her life better. But the use of this nick name was before he went on his travels. After that she just used his name.

This woman calling him sweetie only made him feel more guilty about what had happened to his wife, family and home. Besides, pet names like that should only be used when you are familiar with a person, which he most certainly wasn't. The Doctor felt as though, even with them fighting, the only person who should be allowed to call him that was his wife back on Gallifrey...even if she was gone....

The Doctor turned to tell this insane woman that he refused to be addressed with "sweetie".


For a split second the Doctor had no control of what was happening, he felt a temporal charge as he jolted from his standing position. A creature prowled over to the Doctor and snaked around him, in a strange grip.

"Say goodbye to her. Because, I think it's time that you wake up. You've had a nice sleep now. Wakey, wakey!" A voice called.

"Say goodbye? But I-" The Doctor said before a drowsy feeling crept over him. His eyes felt heavy. He struggled to remain conscious, but sleep crashed over his limp form.

The Doctor fell to his knees, but River didn't notice. A fake version of him stood in the Doctors place.

"River, I-I. River? Help me. I can't.........I......Can't...Why....?" The Doctor collapsed into a sleep.


The Doctor rolled over, he was stirring. It had been two hours since he had theoretically entered River's dreams.

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