Chapter One;

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It's my last year of medical school, the last one I'm completing before graduating and becoming a doctor. My name is Peyton, I am a 17 year old genius.

My parents doubted it for awhile back when I was in the younger grades, but now they're proud and feel I'm accomplished. At 17, I have a high school diploma, and I will have a degree in medicine, allowing me to become a doctor, as soon as I'm finished these last 2 months of medical school.

I walk out of my dorm room with my books in my hand, smiling brightly as I see one of my friends waiting for me in the hallway.

"Hey Janet" I say, hearing my heels clicking in the hallway as I walk. Janet is a tall, athletic girl that has been my best friend ever since I started medical school when I was 14. Yeah, I know it sounds a little crazy and totally unbelievable, but she's been here helping me along the way. She's got a kid at home, and her hair is as red as a bright, shiny new red apple. Her eyes are as green as fresh grass, and she bakes the best cupcakes in the world.

"Morning Peyton, ready for tonight?" She asks. I nod my head. Rick, one of the boyfriends of one of the doctors here, is throwing a huge party tonight. Everyone from the school is invited, it's suppose to be a lot of fun.

"Yea, I just hope I won't get thrown into the pool. The only shirts I have left here are the white ones, and you know how Rick gets" I say, making her laugh.

"Yes, I know how Rick gets. Always the troublemaker, that one" She says, tapping her pencil on her teeth as we walk down the stairs. Elevators are prohibited, in Janet's mind. I don't mind her fear of them, because it helps keep me fit and healthy. I take the stairs even when I'm not with her, because I have a bit of claustrophobia.

"How's Jacob doing? His cold getting any better?" I ask her. Jacob is her 2 year old son. He's honestly the cutest little boy I've ever seen. Her and her husband are both beautiful people, so I can see where he gets his looks from.

"Oh yeah, he's fine now!" she says, waving her hand in the air. "He's running around the house in his underwear screaming again." She laughs as we walk down to the floor our class is on. She stops at one of the vending machines before we walk into class. She always gets a fresh apple to start her day.

"So, are you bringing Brad with you tonight?" I ask her. She shakes her head, sadly.

"No, he's got to work tonight. I wish he was coming though, I hate going to parties without him on my arm. It just makes me feel vulnerable. Especially when there's alcohol at the parties. Stupid drunks are always hitting on me." She says. I laugh and sit my books down on my desk.

"Yeah, I hear you" I say, sitting down. I lean back in my chair and pull my phone out of my pocket.

"Still no text from Jeremy?" She asks me. I shake my head and put my phone down. She taps my knee and looks me in the eyes. "It's alright dear, he'll come around" She says. She sounds just like my mother would. Ever since I left home, Janet has been my mother basically.

She was the only one who took interest in me when I moved in at 14. My mom trusts her, they were best friends in high school. Maybe my mom is the reason Janet is so close to me. I have no idea, but she's been my best friend and my mom lately.

Jeremy is a boy who I met during the new years party. He's one of the teachers sons, and he was hopelessly flirting with me the whole night. We've hung out a few times, even went on a couple dates. Nothing has come out of it though. At least, not yet.

"I hope he does. I need a man on my arm at that party too" I tell her. She laughs and pats my hand.

"You'll find one soon enough. Heck, you might even meet one when we walk out of class today. Anything can happen, you just have to keep your eyes open" She winks at me and we both turn to the teacher as he walks into the room. I focus my attention on him for the next 2 hours.

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