Chapter Two;

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By the time we pulled up to Rick's mansion, my eyes were shut. Janet pulls up into his driveway and my face gets wide. The crowd is huge, gathering around here. I look around, expecting to see some cute guys that are my age. There's no luck, seeing as none of these men are my age. They're all from our school mostly, but all of them are jerks. It's basically like high school here.

"Are you sure you want to party tonight?" I ask her. "I just feel a little weird" I add. She looks me over as she takes off her seat belt.

"How do you feel? What's wrong?" She asks. I rub my stomach.

"I don't know, butterflies in my stomach I guess" I say. She nods her head and smiles.

"It's just a little apprehensiveness. Don't worry about it" She says, patting my hand. I give her a small smile and open the door of the car. I step out onto the cold, hard ground and look around me. I suddnely don't want to leave Janet's side, fearing that if I leave her, I'll have to make idle conversation with someone I don't want to talk to.

My stomach starts to feel a little better, seeing as some of these faces are actually some that I want to socialize with.

I walk around the party, and after a little while, I lose Janet. I still feel a little strange, being here alone and only knowing a couple people. I run my hands along the side of the pool as I sit down and put my feet in.

The cool water feels nice on my legs, as it's kind of warm out tonight. Nobody is in the pool, and it's quiet out here in the backyard.

Mostly everyone is inside the house, but the people who are outside are making out. I try not to look at them. I feel lonely enough tonight as it is.

"Hey there" A voice from behind me says. I don't bother to turn around and look, whoever it is, he's probably drunk.

"Hi" I say, avoiding eye contact. I feel a splash of warm water across my knees as the boy sits down beside me. The boy kicks his feet in the water, splashing me again.

"Do you mind? You're getting my clothes a little wet" I give in and look at his face. His perfectly, chiseled and amazingly gorgeous face.

A pair of gorgeous blue eyes looks into mine attentively as I tell him to stop kicking water at my clothes. He appeared amused, and his eyes twinkled in the moonlight.

"Sorry. " He says, his voice smooth and calm. Goodness he's gorgeous. His chiseled jaw is covered with light stubble, his body athletic. In a lot of ways, he looks like he could be a celebrity. He just has that type of body, and face.

We sat in silence for a couple more moments. I didn't feel the need to say anything, the silence isn't awkward. There's air for both of us to breath. I can't help myself, I keep looking over at his face.

"I'm Peyton" I say, extending my hand. He takes it in his, and I feel his soft handed touch.

"Chris" He smiles brightly, making my heart stop for a moment.

I don't have any idea of how old he could be, all I know is that I wanted him. His ocean blue eyes looked excellent reflecting off of the moon on the water. He doesn't let go of my hand, he drags me up off of the ground.

"Do you want to dance?" He asks. I try to make words come out of my mouth, but I'm frozen. My whole body feels numb. He takes that as a yes and we move over to the wood plated gazebo that sat right beside the in ground pool. Neither of us are wearing shoes, and both of our pairs of feet are wet. We slip and slide all over the smooth gazebo floor, laughing.

"You're not a very good dancer" I tell him, gripping his shirt as my feet slide across the floor.

He looks down at me, and before we fall, he says "Neither are you" and winks.

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