Chapter Three;

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Once I got back to my dorm, I put my phone back in my pocket and unlock my door. I walk into my room and slide down the back of the door. I sink down to the ground, unable to breath for a moment.

Chris had made my night perfect. There I was, just sitting outside of Rick's house, wanting to leave the party because I wasn't having any fun at all. There were couples making out around me, and I felt lonely and hopeless. Until Chris came along. Splashing water onto my legs as we sat by the pool.

I wanted nothing more than to just hold him in my arms like I did last night when we were dancing. I could feel his lips brushing against my neck as he held me extremely close to him. I couldn't get enough of it. I jump as my computer makes another buzzing sound. I open the lid and look at a beautiful boy staring back at me.

"Hey there Peyton, how are you?" Aaron asks me. I smile as I see his face, I light up with excitement.

"Aaron! Oh my god I've missed you so much!" I say, happily seeing Aaron's face .

Aaron is my best friend, he has been since his first year of grade 9, when I started tutoring him. I was the same age as him, but I was just finishing high school. We've been best friends ever since.

"So listen, I was going to come up there this weekend and come visit you, but I need somewhere to stay" He starts. I know what he's going to ask, and I'm totally alright with it.

"You can stay with me, don't worry about it" I say smiling. He matches my expression and moves his web-cam over to his bed .

"Good, because I've already packed" He says laughing. I laugh too. We just sit there and look at each other for a couple moments, not really knowing what to say to him.

"You look really happy tonight" He winks at me and I see the expression on his face turn to pure curiosity.

"I am, I had a great night. I went to a party with my friend Janet, it was just really fun" I tell him. He nods his head and then puts his elbows on his desk. He rests his chin in his hands and looks at me, batting his eyelashes.

"Yeah, yeah and who's the guy you met?" He asks, his brown hair flipping in front of his eyes as he moves his head.

"His name is Chris. He's a really great guy and I think we could become really good friends if we keep in touch with each other" I tell him. He nods his head and leans back in his chair.

"Are there any girls up there I can flirt with?" I shake my head.

"You do remember I'm a genius right? If anyone were to be interested in you, they'd be a cougar because you're only seventeen" I inform him. He laughs and rubs the back of his neck with his hand. I couldn't help but notice how attractive he'd gotten over the last few years.

His pimply face was all cleared up now, and his hair was actually placed where it was suppose to be. His eyes had gotten brighter, there's a certain smile in the way he talks now. He's grown up to be a mature and beautiful boy with a dashing personality.

"I'm alright with that." he says. We don't say anything for a couple more moments, we just admire each others company.

"So when are you coming up?" I ask him, already knowing it's this weekend. I just wanted to clarify and make sure that I'm not dreaming. He laughs and shakes his head.

"Always a clarifier aren't you. ? This weekend, hope you can wait that long" He winks and picks up a Kool Aid Jammer.

"Guess some of your childhood habits stuck, eh?" I joke. He looks puzzled, as if I confused him. I forget about it and look at the clock. It's now 3;45am.

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