Chapter Twenty-Five;

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I'm glad you wrote to me. It's been awhile since I've talked to anyone besides Jake. I'm much too nervous out here to even pick up my pen, fearing that a bomb will somehow be attached to it, and it'll blow me sky high. I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm not scared, because I am. I'm deathly afraid that the next step I take shall be my last.

You wrote to me though, and right now, that's all that matters. I hope you're doing as excellent as I know you are. I love you


I put down the letter and rub my eyes, knowing that if I cry somebody will walk through the door of my tent and see me. That's not what I need right now. I have to be strong. I will write back to him later, because right now, there are incoming wounded.

I haven't slept in about a week, there's a lot of wounded coming in now. There's too many of them, we can't save them all. A couple of people have died because we couldn't get to them fast enough. It makes me feel really bad, and I remember the first person I lost.


"Come on guys! Get this guy on the table! Now!" I yell, checking out his wounds. He's got a lot of metal in him, he's bleeding like crazy.

They won't let me operate on him, they say there's a guy who absolutely needs to go first. So instead of leaving the man who's bleeding to death, I get him on the Anastasia so it'll be quicker when I work on him later.

I quickly but thoroughly work on this man on my table, his wounds are much less serious than the soldier who was bleeding to death was, but the Coronal insists that I worked on this man first.

As soon as I'm finished, I get new gloves and a new gown on, and I went straight to the man who was bleeding to death.

I realize that as soon as I open him up and take a look, it's too late. We should have operated on him earlier.

I hear the nurses around me yelling, yelling for me to close him up, there's nothing we can do. I hear the Coronal tell me it's alright, this kind of stuff happens sometimes. I hear them, but I can't see them. My vision is blurry, my hands are bloody, my head has an insane pounding in it, and my legs are wobbly.

I pull my mask down off of my face and slowly stumble out of the operating room. The smell of blood lingers in the room, the rusty smell fills my senses. The room starts spinning, and I collapse on the ground. I throw my gloves off of my hands and across the room. I place my head on my knees, covering it with my arms.

I could have saved that man. I could have operated on him first like I knew I should have, and this wouldn't have happened. I would have saved him. He would go home alive.

Coronal Short walks out of the operating room and looks around. He finds me, sitting on the ground, teary and red eyed. He doesn't yell at me to get back in there and do what I came here to do, he simply just sits down beside me, and puts his arms around me, making my fatherly feelings for him even more predominant.

And for the first time since I've been here, I cry.



I've managed to stay on my feet, I've managed to stay alive. Up until now, nothing has been more important to me than Peyton. Now, it's Christmas day, and we're off to fight again. The Cease Fire rumors have proven to be true, we're going home in a couple of weeks. When I heard the rumor, I knew that it couldn't be true. Jake and I had just gotten here, there was no way we were getting out of here that easily.

But when we all got letters stating we were to be discharged in a couple weeks, we knew it was true, and we almost all cried with joy. Until the soldiers started shooting at us.

About a quarter of men that are stationed here died that night. I saw it happen.

I'm surprised I haven't had a breakdown yet, a mental breakdown. I guess the only thing that's been consistently coming are Peyton's letters, they've kept me sane. I'm so grateful to her, I don't know what I'd do without here. She's such an important part of my life now.

And soon, I'd be able to go back to that important part of my life. But for now, I have to focus on the job at hand.

Jake and I take the safety off of our guns and run out of the trench we're in.



Guys I know that Chris's time in the war is going a little fast, and that so is Peyton's, but I swear you will love the ending to this. I PROMISE

So bear with me with the short chapters and such, because you will love the ending. Please continue to vote ! <3

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