Chapter Thirteen;

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Hey guys, so I just have maybe one more chapter before I start the actual plot of the story. How many of you are excited to know what happens between Chris & Peyton? What do you think will happen after Peyton graduates? Will she get a job working for the local hospital? Or will she find an alternative that would possibly make her even further apart from Chris? Enjoy the chapter guys!!



Aaron wakes me up by throwing a pillow at my face and yelling at me. I open my eyes and try to find him, though I don't know where he is. Just then, my bed shakes and he pops up from the end of it with a smile on his face.

"Morning sleeping beauty, how was your date last night?" He asks. That's really all he wanted to know? Seriously? Typical Aaron.

"It was great, I had a really good time with Chris." I tell him. He nods his head and crosses his arms, looking a little like he didn't believe me.

"Oh yeah? Where did he take you?" He asks.

"I don't even know where it was, but he took me to somewhere by this little lake with a tree and a rope on it and everything. He made a picnic for us and he took me there on his horse and then we went swimming and he pulled me on the rope and then later on we sat back on the picnic blanket and we....well...we kind of kissed" I say, taking in a deep breath after I say all of that.

"You kissed him? You don't even know him! You whore" Aaron winks at me. I slap his arm and pull him into a headlock.

"What did you just call me?!" I yell, messing up his hair with my fist. He laughs and flips me onto the floor. My back is in sudden pain and my breath is taken away from me for a moment. He rolls on top of me, straddling me to the ground with a smile on his face.

"I called you a whore" He says. We both laugh and he gets off of me. I sit down on my bed and he crosses his legs on the floor. "You think you'll want to see him again?" He asks me. I nod my head.

"I was actually thinking about calling him today. Maybe us three could do something together" I suggest. He smiles but shakes his head.

"Nah, I'm leaving soon so I have no desire to spend the rest of my time with my best friend and her new boyfriend making out the whole time. I appreciate you trying to include me though, that was nice of you" He says, winking again. God he does that a lot.

"Alright, well you're going to be missing out because we're going to see that new movie 'Ted'. " That hits his soft spot, he groans and wines like a little puppy.

"You know I wanted to see that movie!" He pouts.

"Yeah, well. I invited you but you didn't want to come. Guess you'll just have to suck it up then, won't you princess?" I tease. He should know I'm kidding, I'd let him come to the movies if he wanted to.

"Oh come on Peyton! Please, you won't even hear me. I won't even sit with you guys if you don't want me to. It'll all be fine you guys can go make out somewhere and I'll enjoy the movie. Please?" He begs. I hold my hands out in front of me and tell him to calm down.

"Fine. You can come. But you're paying for the popcorn and drinks, and your own ticket" I tell him. He shakes his head and crosses his arms.

"You're so needy" He says, walking into the bathroom. I throw one of his shoes at the outside of the bathroom door after he shuts it.

"I'm not needy!" I yell.

"You are and you know it" He yells. Before I can say anything else, I hear the water on the tap of the shower turn on.

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