Chapter 5

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"OH MY GOD! Where am I? When am I? What am I?" I said, fidgeting around, trying to find my bearings.

'Wait! What do I mean by what am I?' I thought, realizing how stupid my question was. 'I'm a human, duh.' I thought, relaxing back into the bed.

'Stay focus, Layla. Think! What happened last night? What am I wearing?' I thought, looking under the covers. I was wearing the oversized 'Hello Kitty' t-shirt I bought the day before. 'Why am I wearing this? When did I change?' I thought, still puzzled.

Amid my panic, I caught sight of a shirtless back lying across from me. 'What the hell?' I thought, pulling the covers off completely.

Layla: "Takanori!" I yelped.

Takanori: "Oh, god. Please don't yell. My head is killing me." he tiredly croaked out.

Layla: "Takanori, why are you laying in the bed? Weren't you going to sleep on the couch?" I said, freaked out.

Takanori: "Layla, it's too bright, and I'm way too hungover to answer any of your questions. Please, go back to sleep," he said, grabbing the covers, pulling them over his head.

Layla: "Takanori." I softly said, slightly shaking him, trying to get his attention.

Takanori: "Whaaaaat?" he complained.

Layla: "Please, Takanori. I don't remember what happened last night, and I'm trying my hardest not to panic." I pleaded with him, hoping he would take pity on me.

Takanori pulled the cover down until only his eyes were showing.

Layla: "Please." I begged.

Takanori: "Fine." he conceded. "Close the curtains. The sun is blinding me," he complained.

I immediately got up to shut the blinds, then quickly returned to the bed. Takanori ruffled through his hair, rubbed his face, then sighed after sitting up.

Takanori: "You seriously don't remember last night?" he questioned.

I shook my head.

Takanori: "Wow. You would think you'd remember such a momentous occasion." he said in disbelief.

Layla: "What?" I said, confused and slightly afraid of what he would say next.

Takanori: "Huh, I always thought women never forget their weddings." he said, amazed.

Layla: "Wedding!" I exclaimed. "What? We're married?" I said, having a slight panic attack.

Takanori stared at me for a while before he burst into laughter.

Takanori: "I'm just kidding." he laughed.

Layla: "Takanori!" I yelled.

Takanori: "Oh my god, that was too funny. If you saw your face just now, you'd understand why I can't breathe right now." he said through gasps and laughter.

Layla: "That's not funny." I said, throwing a stray pillow at him.

Takanori: "Oh, man, I haven't laughed like that in years." he said, wiping tears that had formed in his eyes from his incessant laughter. "Thank you," he said, putting his hand on his chest.

Layla: "Hahaha. Real funny. Play a joke on the blackout drunk why don't we." I blankly said, picking up throw pillows that were on the ground before I sat quietly at the bottom of the bed.

Takanori: "Layla.," he said, getting my attention.

Layla: "Yeah?" I looked back at him.

Takanori: "Nothing happened. Okay?" he said in a reassuring tone.

Layla: "Really?" I asked.

Takanori: "Really. We played two games, drank a bottle of Saké, and you passed out. I was drunk and felt too tired to get up, so I just crashed on the bed. That's all that happened. Don't worry."

Layla: "Oh, okay." I sighed in relief. "Thank you for telling me what happened."

He smiled and gave me a slight nod.

Layla: "Well, the sun is up so, it's time to get up." I said, walking over to the curtains, tugging them wide open.

Takanori: "Ahhh! Too bright! Too bright!" he exclaimed.

Layla: "Oh, don't be such a baby." I said over my shoulder before I threw him a pair of shades that were on the nightstand. "For the little trick you just pulled, I should let the sun burn a hole through your retina."

Takanori: "You should have, but it's too late now." he said, putting on the sunglasses before he folded his arms behind his head. He laid back like he was a rock star. " How do you not have a hangover right now?" he asked.

Layla: "Well, instead of remembering the night before and waking up with a hangover like everyone else. My body decided it would much rather give me a slight case of amnesia every time I get drunk." I said, sitting next to him.

Takanori: "So you're saying memories equal hangovers. No memories equal no hangovers?" he said, summarising what I had shared.

Layla: "Yup."

Takanori: "Can we switch bodies?" he said, amused.

Layla: "Nope."

Takanori: "Aww, that sucks, I'd be trading up." he said, referring to my body.

Layla: "As if, Mr Six-Pack Abs." I replied

Takanori: "You've been checking me out?" he said playfully.

Layla: "It's kinda hard not to when you don't even try to cover up."

Takanori: "You should be grateful I have pants on."

Layla: "Why?" I asked.

Takanori: "I usually sleep in the nude." he replied smirking.

His words shot an image into my head, sending me into a tizzy.

Layla: "Um, I got to go. I have to..." I said, looking for words. "Wait! Oh crap, I forgot I have an interview today!" I exclaimed, remembering what I had to do today. I glanced over at the time before making a 'B' line to the bathroom to get dressed.

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