Chapter 47

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Like Crystal promised, a glass of wine was waiting for me after I came back inside. I needed it. Letting Naoto go wasn't easy, but it was necessary. Somehow his willingness to let me go because he wanted my happiness made my heart feel lovesick. The only thing that stopped the ache was the bottle of wine Crystal helped me drink. Thanks to alcohol, I made it through the night relatively ok and I was at the airport in a cafe saying my final goodbyes to everyone who showed up. Sato, Nana, Takanori, and Crystal showered me with love, and in there own subtle way, told me not to go. I appreciated everyone for coming out to see me, but I still found myself looking around for Naoto. Whenever someone entered the cafe, I'd think it was him; then I'd get disappointed that it wasn't. 'You told him not to come stupid, stop looking!' I scolded myself every time I got my hopes up.

Sato and Nana gave me one last hug at the cafe before heading back to EXPG, and Takanori and Crystal walked me to departures and stood like parents watching their kid go off to college. Usually Crystal was quite standoff-ish with Takanori, but because they shared the woe of watching me go, they looked at me as he had his arm around her. Receiving all the hugs and kisses I could take on the plane, I began my trek to the gate. Taking one last look at them before leaving, I recognized a way too familiar face talking to my sister. Rerouting immediately, I made my way back to Crystal. I was out for blood.

Crystal: "Keep talking to me like I know you, and I'm going to beat your ass." Crystal said, highly agitated, as Takanori held on to her.

Chris: "Excuse me." Chris said, looking at her with an attitude like he usually did with me.

Layla: "Chris!" I said, getting his attention.

Chris: "Oh, your Layla. My bad." He said to Crystal. "You people all look the same to me." He said degradingly.

Crystal: "Excuse me." She said, pissed.

Layla: "Relax, Crystal. I got this," I said, letting her know I was going to handle the situation. "You know you never fail to be the most obnoxious and rude person in the room; it must be a talent," I said to Chris, with some backbone in my tone.

Chris: "Oh, wow, it looks like the church mouse thinks she's a lion now." He said, condescendingly talking down to me.

Layla: "No, not a mouse or a lion. Just a woman who's the new Senior Editor." I said, stating facts.

Chris: "Huh, interesting. It seems like a reach seeing as you weren't even able to finish your article." He said cockily.

Layla: "Who wasn't able to?" I said, looking around. "Oh, you mean the interview you tried to steal from me so I couldn't finish," I said, letting him know I knew what he did. "If you're going to be conniving, Chris, try not using all your old tricks. Try some new material, like making your douche of a manager fly fourteen straight hours for nothing because you've already done the interview, sent in your article, and secured the promotion. I think that's what you call a checkmate." I said, putting him in his place.

Crystal: "Actually, I think the French say. Checkmate, bitch!" She said, cutting into the conversation.

Chris: "How long have you been working under me Layla, you should know that this won't end well for you." He said, trying to intimidate me.

Layla: "Is that a threat, Chris?" I said, unafraid of him.

Crystal: "You know what's crazy. That sounds like a threat." Crystal chimed in. "Hold on, wait a minute, the name Chris sounds familiar. Isn't this the idiot who sabotaged your trip in the first place?" She asked.

Layla: "Yup." I answered.

Crystal: "Ohhhh, ok," she said with a chuckle in her words. Two seconds later, she punched Chris in the jaw.

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