Chapter 29

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The night progress well despite the drinking game I was having with myself. Every time Naoto made my heart flutter or race, I took a sip of my Moscato. Breaking our conversation, the waiter brought us our food, and after thanking him, we dug in. Groaning after eating my first fork full, I rested my elbow on the table and my head in my hand.

Naoto: "You okay over there?" he asked with a hint of laughter in his voice

Layla: "Mmmmm." I paused briefly, shaking my head. " How'd they get the cheese in the... you know what." I paused. "I don't wanna know. I don't want to know." I said, surrendering to my food.

Naoto laughed at me as I thoroughly enjoyed my meal.

Taking our plates and utensils, the waiter informed us that he'd return with dessert. Still emotionally fragile from the meal, I sat quietly, shaking my head. 'How in the world are they going to ruin my food expectations like that?' I thought, staring at where my plate was. Coming to grips with it, I looked up at Naoto. He was sitting across the table, pleasantly smiling at me.

Layla:" What?" I asked curiously.

Naoto:" It's nothing." he paused. "I love seeing you happy." He said, now smirking.

I smiled, shyly looking away to stop blushing before sipping my wine. After bringing our desserts, the waiter returns a few more times, each time topping up our drinks. As we talked, I stumbled upon a sobering realization, the minute Naoto put his hand over his glass to gesture to the waiter not to fill his glass anymore. 'Holy hell, how much glasses of wine did I have?' I thought, unable to recall because the glass was never empty. Before the waiter left, I asked him to refill my water. 'I can't get drunk. I don't want to forget tonight.' I thought, brushing my hair behind my shoulders. While I drank the water trying to sober up, I looked at Naoto. Wearing the same expression he wore when he first saw me tonight, he sat with his armed crossed. Periodically throughout the night, the same look would flash across his face, then turn darker before he would take a sip from his glass.

After lustfully chuckling to himself, he clenched his jaw. Involuntarily I bit the inside of my lip and fidgeted in my seat.

Naoto: "Forgive me for staring. I've been trying to resist the urge all night, but it seems like my self-control has run its course." he looked at me. "I must admit when I first saw you tonight, I was speechless. You looked." he paused. "Stunning," he said a bit louder than a whisper. " The more I look at you, the more I see how misguided my thoughts were," he said, his voice lowered. "You look irresistible." his tone was completely lustful now.

Slightly panting and absolutely turned on. I got up and walked over to the balcony to catch my breath. Naoto's gaze sent my body into a tizzy and made my skin crave his touch. Trying to regain my composure, I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths and praying he'd stop looking at me the way he did, or else lord knows what would happen.

Naoto POV

Realizing I was fighting a losing battle by forcing myself to look away, I gave in. I watched Layla as she sipped her water, wishing I was that cup. My thoughts drifted further as the wine took over. Layla sat there, clueless as to what her outfit was doing to me. Thankfully the table blocked the view because splits were my weakness. As I stared at her, my mind became curious about how much of her legs were exposed. Pushing her hair behind her back, she looked up at me, giving me a chill. I quickly sipped my drink to brush the feeling away. Trying to dismiss another inappropriate thought, I chuckled to myself. Seconds after Layla, subtlely bit her inner lip and began to move around in her seat. Concerned that my staring may have made her feel uncomfortable, I apologized before giving her an explanation.

I observed as my words affected her. Her breaths grew heavy as she looked at me. Layla's slight panting drew my eyes to her breasts, which rose and fell steadily until an imprint of her nipples showed through the material that covered them. Quickly getting up from the table, she walked over to the balcony that overlooked the pond.

I smirked, admiring her from behind as she stood backing me. I enjoyed the view for a while before deciding to join her. Finishing off my wine, I got up and made my way over to Layla.

I stood up next to her, enamoured by her beauty as she stood with her eyes closed. Letting her know I was next to her, I cleared my throat.

Layla POV

Finally finding tranquillity, I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the cool breeze that chilled my body. I stayed like this for a while before hearing Naoto clear his throat, which startled me, making me stumble back, hooking my heel in the thread of the skirt of my dress. Steadying me, Naoto held my arm to stop me from falling.

Layla: "Thank you." I said before going to unhook my heel.

Naoto: "I got it." he said, kneeling to do it for me.

I held on to the railing to balance myself while he fixed it. After unhooking my heel, he placed my foot gently back down on the floor. Waiting for him to stand so I could thank him, I noticed he was taking a while down there. Moments later chills coursed all over my body as I felt Naoto's fingertips slowly slide up my leg. His hand slid from my ankle to my thigh, lingering by my inner thigh, before sliding around to were my split ended, which stopped him from going any higher. Completely breathless by the time Naoto stood face to face with me, I couldn't mutter a single word. I just wanted him to hold me. It's like he read my mind because he wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing us closer. Through shaky breaths, I tried to say his name but stopped when he put his hand on my cheek. Rubbing his thumb across my bottom lip, he tilted my chin up, making me look at him.

Naoto: "Tell me, Miss Kato. Will you ever let me taste these beautiful lips without one of us being slightly intoxicated?" He whispered, solely looking at my lips like he was in a trance.

Layla: "Maybe." Barely getting the words out.

Naoto just quietly chuckled before speaking again.

Naoto: " Well, I guess beggars can't be choosers." he whispered, against my lips, before kissing them.

His kiss was slow and deliberate. We kissed like long-distance lovers, passionately and eagerly. Tasting the bitter-sweet taste of his wine in my mouth as we kissed. His kisses trailed down my neck to my chest, then back up to my neck, to suck on it. My moans intensified as he caressed my body. I ran my hand through his hair as he sucked on my neck, before allowing my hand to slide down to his chest, feeling his heartbeat match mine. During the commotion, the strap of my dress slipped off my shoulder, nearly exposing me. Luckily, Naoto's chest that held the material against my breast. I reached to put it back on my shoulder but dropped it when I felt Naoto's thumb rub against my hardened nipple. I groan hard, feeling every nerve electrified, before making my legs go weak. I craved Naoto desperately. I was eager for him to take me, but obviously, the waiter didn't want him to because he walked in, bringing me back down from cloud nine.

Turning away from Naoto and the waiter, I fixed my strap and tried to stop my heavy breathing. I heard Naoto take a breath before sighing loudly. A few seconds passed before I felt Naoto put his hands on my shoulders.

Naoto: "You can turn around now, he's gone," he said. "Should we head home?" He asked.

I wanted to scream yes, but then I remembered I was still tipsy, and I couldn't risk the chance of forgetting the way he touched me tonight.

Layla: "No, not yet. Let's go for a walk." I said, smiling.

Naoto: "Okay." He said, not phased by my strange request.

After getting two bottled-waters to go, we walked along the sidewalk, talking and laughing.

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