Chapter 2

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Victoria's Pov

I woke up gasping for air. I breathed in and out, as I looked at my surroundings.

"Where am I?" I thought aloud. I wasn't in my pod anymore. Instead I was in a room that had a glass wall. I saw a few people working on these devices. They were all dressed in black. I tried to sit up, but I couldn't really move. I looked down to see that my wrists were cuffed down on the side of the bed. So were my ankles. I tried to escape the cuffs by trashing around.

After trashing around for a while, I decided to just lay there. I stared at the ceiling, as I processed what had happened. My planet was destroyed. The people that lived there, dead. A whimper left my mouth as I remembered that I lost my family. Mother, father, Mon-El. They're all gone. It's like a whole part of me just died or left me. And now I'm held captive in a place that I've never even seen or heard of. I sobbed as all my thoughts filled my head. I felt my tears stream down my cheeks. I'm scared. Will they kill me? Will they let me live?!

Suddenly a girl with blonde hair, wearing a costume walked in.

"Who are you and why have you taken me here?" I asked her. She came closer to my bed.

"I'm Kara Zor-El. But on Earth I'm also known as Kara Danvers. This is the DEO, it protects Earth from Alien presence and or alien invasion. But they also protect the aliens here on Earth." She explained. I gestured to what she was wearing.
"What's up with the costume?" She laughed.

"This is my suit. Also here on Earth I'm known as SuperGirl." I nodded and looked at the symbol on her chest. Is Kara a kryptonian? Before I can ask her, she started to ask me questions.

"So, you know some things about me. What about you?"

"Well. My name is Victoria. I am from the planet Daxam. I fled my planet after it was destroyed. I don't know how it happened, but it was terrifying. I lost everything." Kara frowned.

"Wait you're from Daxam??" She asked, I nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"I know someone from Daxam. He got here about a few days ago."

"Really?!" I asked. I tried to sit up, but the cuffs enabled me to.

"Yeah! I'll tell him to come by next time. You two may know each other." She looked through the glass wall. "Look, I've gotta go. I'll be back later. Someone might come in and release you from all this." She pointed to all the wires and the cuffs. "Also, Winn might come over to test you for your powers." With that, she turned around and left. There wasn't really anything else to do. So I decided to take a nap.


Kara's Pov

I just got out of the medic room, when I saw Winn and Alex talking at the round table.

"So, last night, the space-time continuum ripped apart in the middle of your apartment. Which only makes it slightly less intense than last years Thanksgiving." Winn said as I approached him. I smiled as Alex asked.

"Any idea what caused it?" 

"Oh, maybe some extra-dimensional being just had a craving for your mom's cranberry relish."  He replied. Winn clapped his hands and made his way to his computer.

"Okay, time to keep scanning for tachyons and other reality shredding particles"

"You know the girl you found, like about a week ago?" I asked Alex.

"Yeah, what about her."

"Well, apparently she's from Daxam. And she lost everything. I wanted to ask Mon-El if he would visit her. You know, maybe they'd know each other." I explained.

"That's a good plan, I'll check on her later."

"Alright people, holiday is over let's get back to work." Hank announced as he walked into the room.

"Now questions of the day, what did Cadmus want with Supergirl?" J'onn asked, as he rested his elbows on the table.

"And why did Lillian Luthor take your blood? I mean why not just kill you?" Alex added.

I sighed, "I think she has something a little more nefarious planned."

"Oh yeah, those Luthors do have an epic criminal scheme." Winn turned in his spinny chair.

"I-I just need to know what Lena knows." I frustratedly said.

Winn turned back to his computer, "Will do! I will tap every phone. I will jack every computer"

I suddenly got an idea.
"No, I'll do it!" Winn and Alex stared at me.
"I mean I know her. I bet you I could get her to say what she knows"

"How?" asked Alex, with her hand on her hip.

"Reporting skills" I obviously said. "And good old fashioned sneakiness." I added. Both Alex and Winn looked at me disapprovingly.

"Solid plan, no problem"
"Yeah, absolutely" they both said at the same time.

"You guys! I can be sneaky when I want to be!" I objected.


J'onn smacked the table, "Sounds like a plan."
I smiled approvingly, as I walked out after him.

Victoria's Pov

I woke up to a girl taking the needle out my arm. She had brown hair, but it seemed to have streaks of red or orange.

"Hey. How're you feeling?" She asked softly.

"I'm ok." I simply replied. She stared at me, raising an eyebrow.

"I mean my planet is destroyed, and I lost my family. Now here I am in a planet I've never been to, and I don't know anyone. Pretty much I'm alone." I clarified. She frowned.

"I'm sorry about your planet and family. But think of it as a new start. I know it's hard. Trust me, Kara had to go through the same thing. You have us, the DEO." She reassured placing a hand on my arm.

"Who are you?" I asked her. She looked up from the cuff on my arm.

"Alex Danvers. I found your pod and brought you here" She replied, smiling slightly. She went back to taking the cuff off me.

"Thank you." I told her, she looked up nodding.

"Where was Kara from?" I asked.

"She was from Krypton..." Alex answered. I knew it. That symbol on her chest was a family crest.

"Our planets don't get along. But she seems nice." I thought aloud. Alex lightly chuckled.

"You know for someone who's from Daxam, you seem pretty nice. The other guy from Daxam escaped from the DEO and had a full fight with Supergirl." She laughed.

"Must be one of the lunatics." I commented. Alex took the last needle out.

"Well, you're all good! I'll call Winn in to check on your powers. For now, I'll let you walk around. Just come back down here, ok?" I sat up, looking at what I was wearing. It wasn't the clothes I was wearing on my way here. I looked at Alex.

"By any chance, do you have any clothes?" I asked pointing at my whole outfit. It was a white gown, while underneath I had my under garments.

"Oh yeah! I'll be back." Alex walked out the room. I touched the bracelet on my arm, it was from Emma. A tear went down my cheek as I played with the gem attached to the bracelet.

Yayyyy 2nd chapter doneeee! Hope you guys liked it💕

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