Chapter 7

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Victoria's POV:

I sat back on he rock while Winn tried to fix the transmatter. I blew a strand of hair away from my face. Suddenly the machine crackled and lit up. I got up and stood next to Winn.

"Hey! You fixed it!" I squealed jumping up and down. But then the machine crackled again and turned off. Winn sighed.

"I spoke to soon." I sighed. Winn chuckled a bit.

"That did not happen how it was supposed to happen." He groaned.

Suddenly a giant creature came from behind Winn and I.

"WINN!" I screamed, as the alien punched him. It punched him again, sending him to the ground. I picked up a rock, and threw it at the alien. It bounced off his back. He turned to me and roared.

"Uh oh." I gulped and started to run. I tried to fly but my powers weren't working. Oh yeah, red sun. I was pulled back and was held against the alien. He tightly wrapped his whole arm around my neck, suffocating me. I yelped in pain, trying to catch my breath. But the alien was too strong for me. I started to feel lightheaded but the alien's grip lessened. I stumbled to the ground and saw Winn beating up the alien. He picked up a large rock and threw it at its head. I laid on my back, resting on my elbows. Finally breathing. Thank Rao. 

Winn held his arms up, fisting the air.

"I'm not the Red Shirt!" He yelled happily over and over again. He pointed at the lifeless alien sprawled on the ground.

"YOU YOU'RE THE RED SHIRT!" He yelled. He took me by surprise when he dashed over to me and picked me up.

"VIC IM NOT THE RED SHIRT!" He yelled still holding me up by my waist. I laughed and gripped onto his shoulders. Suddenly he placed me onto the ground, but as my feet touched the dusty ground. He crashed his lips onto mine. My eyes widened in shock. I stood still. He pulled away. His eyes now widening as he realized what he's just done.

"WINN!" Someone yelled. I turned and saw Kara, Mon-El and a bunch of other people stampeding towards us.

"START THE CAR START THE CAR!!!" Mon-El yelled. I rolled my eyes in amusement. Winn scurried over to the machine and started it up. The portal opened up and everyone ran through it.

I landed back at the building floor. I spotted Mon-El and ran to him. He smiled and picked me up as we hugged.

"I told you I'd be safe." He said into my shoulder. I snorted, pulling away from the hug to look at him.

"Well you wouldn't be safe if it wasn't for me. I followed Kara's orders and requested a strike team. How's that for my first day on Earth?" I stayed smirking at him.

"I love you." He laughed kissing my forehead.

"Love you too El." I replied.


We didn't head home just yet. Everyone went back to the DEO. Not mention, but they also brought along an alien on their way back through the portal. Winn was in a giddy mood after defeating that alien. 

I stood at the balcony, of the DEO, next to Mon-El. The stars seemed to fade here on Earth. 

"Why do the stars look so far away?" I asked Mon-El. He glanced at me, but turned back to the sky.

"Maybe because they are far away." he snickered. I glared at him elbowing his side. 

"But back on home at Daxam, they were so close." I sighed. I missed my home. Sure Earth was great, and I've made new friends. But it's just not the same. On Earth, I have to pretend to be something I'm not. A human. I can't use my powers, Mon-El won't let me even use my own name. Hell, I'm a princess! It's just been my first whole day on Earth and it already seemed to suck. 

"Do you miss home?" he asked. I simply nodded. 

"Speaking of home, do you think we should get our own place to stay? I mean we can't live at Kara's forever." I suggested. 

"That's actually a good idea! I'll go ask Kara." he kissed my forehead and walked off. I smiled and looked back at the stars. On Daxam, I would always look at the stars. I would wonder how they got there, and how they shined so bright. I wanted to get up to it close. But mum would say if I ever did, I'd burn my hand off. Then she'd tuck me in at night, and tell me how her and dad loved me so much. My thoughts were interrupted when someone said, "Hey." I turned to the voice and spotted Winn.

"Hey alien slayer." I laughed. His face broke into a smile, laughing along with me. 

"Um- about the alien thing. I'm sorry I kissed you." He started, scratching the back of his neck. I motioned him to continue.

"I didn't mean to, I guess I was overwhelmed?" he chuckled lightly at the last part. I giggled. 

"It's fine. I really didn't mind kissing you, I actually quite liked it. But I was still shocked." I replied. 

"Well it was great to be your first human kiss." he smiled, gazing into my eyes.

"Thanks, uh-um. I'm gonna find Mon-El now. Yeah." I stuttered pointing to some random direction. I stumbled a bit down the stairs. 


We sat at Kara's living room, lounging around. El (which I'm now using as a nickname for him:)) and Kara sat across from each other. They looked into each others eyes, that look. It was love. Wait a sec, my brother, is in love?! I've never seen him so hooked on a person. Especially a human. I sat on a couch, but it was made to fit one person. I got up to look at her book shelf. I scanned through the shelves looking for something to read. Suddenly I saw a whole row full of the same name. Harry Potter, they all read. I decided to take the first book nearest to me. "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone." I took it out and opened to the first chapter. 

"I want to be a superhero. " I overheard Mon-El say. 

"Say what?" 

"Like you!"

"With a name, and an outfit, maybe a cape.." he suggested. I put the book back and sat behind my brother. 

I joined in the conversation "If he's in, I'm in! I wanna save the world" 

"You're both serious?" she asked us. I nodded.

"Yeah" we said together. 

and with that, I knew my life would change.


A/N Hello! Hope you liked the chapter


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