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Hello everyone, Ally here. 

Also yes, that's my name. 

So I've been thinking. This book is probably one- or the only book that I've published that is successful. Btw, thank you all so much it's crazy! 

Anyway I've been thinking. I want this story to be more than just a Winn Schott fanfic. I want this to be about Victoria Prince, and how she evolves to become a superhero, to adapting to Earth, etc. In simple terms, I just want to expand her world, and create a character to exist in this world of superheros. I know, I know, you guys came here for a Winn Schott story. DON'T WORRY, I promise I'm still gonna make Victoria and Winn end up together. But not without any drama in between;) Pretty much it might be more based on Victoria than a relationship with a man, but into her growing as an adult, experiencing the world and discovering  how much of a strong alien woman she is. 

I really hope you guys don't mind this, if you have any comments or anything please just comment them. I'd really like your opinions on the book and on this whole situation. Also, I'm working on a new chapter, so be on the lookout:) 

xxx Ally.

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