Chapter 8

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*a few days later*

Mon-El told Kara about our whole apartment plan. She actually thought it was a great idea! Right now, we've just settled in our new apartment courtesy of the DEO. I smiled proudly as I placed the last decorative pillow on my bed. My room consisted of colors like white, grey, and some pink here and there.

"Woah, great job on the decorating sis." Mon-El walked into my room with his arms crossed.

"Thanks! How's your room coming along?"

"Erm, you see I was gonna ask you for help actually to make it look" He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Sure let's go!" We walked into his room. As soon as I saw the pile of clothes and blankets, well everything on the floor I froze. I dashed towards the dirty clothes quickly placing them all neatly in the cabinets. Wait, why was I moving so fast? I stopped and stumbled forward from the gust of wind. Mon-El stood there shocked.

"What the heck just happened?"  He asked. I looked around to see most of the cluster on his floor cleaned up. Well, only his clothes.

"Wait what happened?"

"You just ran forward and had like super speed.  You literally folded all my clothes AND put them away in like 5 seconds!" He explained.

"When you ran forward there was this huge gust of wind too!" He added.

"Weird, Winn didn't say anything about super speed. I thought I only had similar powers to you and Kara." I thought out loud.

"You should ask him about it later." El suggested.

As we made lunch in the kitchen, I thought about mom and dad.

"If Mom and Dad were here. Do you think things would be more different?" I asked Mon-El. He stopped tossing the lettuce in the salad bowl.

"Well yeah. Maybe even more different." He replied, going back to the salad.

"Why do you seem so calm and okay with everything?! Mon-El we lost our parents, our home, OUR PLANET! It's like you wanted our parents to blow up with the damn thing." He was about to protest, but I continued to talk.

"And when I try to talk about mom and dad you just want to drop the topic!"

"I JUST CAN'T TALK ABOUT THEM OK?! IF TALKING ABOUT THEM HELPS YOU COPE WITH THEM BEING GONE THEN FINE! I CAN'T TALK ABOUT IT!" He yelled. I froze in my spot. Growing up, Mon-El and I had fights. But he never yelled at me.

"Vic, I-I'm sorry. It's just hard for me. Ok?" He rubbed his forehead, talking calmly. I nodded and went back to cooking.

Lunch was awkward, we sat across from each other. The only sound being heard was our forks scraping against the plates.

"El, I'm sorry. You should've just told me that you couldn't talk about it. If you did, I would've kept my mouth shut." I spoke, filling up the silence.

"It's fine, really Vic. You're right I should've just told you instead of yelling at you." He finally looked up at me with a small smile.

"You know since we're on the topic of the the truth and telling each other everything...I have to tell you something." The smile on his face faltered. I titled my head to the side.

"Yeah sure. Is it bad?" I asked him.

"Well. I guess it is, but I really don't know. Um. Mom, Dad and I have been keeping a huge secret from you, since the day I met you." He paused taking a breath in.

Mon-El's POV:

I can't believe I'm doing this. I could just not tell her and everything would be fine. But she deserves the truth. It'd be like she's living a lie. Technically she is. She motioned me to continue.

"Vic, You're adopted." I told her. Her face showed confusion.

"W-what? El, I've been with you guys since the day I was born! If this is some joke, it's pretty stupid." She commented. I shook my head.

"Your mother gave birth to you on Krypton. Your mother was from Krypton and your father was from Daxam. After you were born they shipped you and your parents to my planet. Mother was furious. She was angry at the fact a Daxamite made a child with a Kryptonian. Although father wouldn't do such a thing, he commanded that both of your parents should be executed. They planned on executing all three of you in front of the village. When they killed your parents, they were going to burn you. But mother stepped in and demanded that she would take you as her on, for she felt sorry. She didn't have the heart to burn an innocent child. For days, people hated her for it. But she carried herself and you with pride. Soon, everyone just...fell in love with you. So did I, which is why I'm glad you're my sister. You may not be by blood, but I don't care." She stared at me, tears streaming down her face.


"So you're saying. My parents are dead. And I've been living a lie?" She cried. I sadly nodded in shame.

"I-I'm sorry. The day Daxam went down, we planned on telling you. We thought you were finally old enough to know." She hiccuped.

"I-it's fine." She held her head in her hands.

"I didn't even know them. It won't cost much pain." She spat glaring at the table.

"So you're not mad at me?" I asked hopefully.

"I'm fucking mad at you." She glared at me. I was taken back from her response. Vic never cursed.

"I didn't want to tell you, but I had to! It was better than you living with a lie!" She got up slamming her chair forward. It crumbled into pieces in the process.

"IT WAS BETTER WHEN I LIVED A LIE THAN NOW." She grabbed a sweater and slammed the door shut behind her. Fuck. I ran to the door and yanked it open. She wasn't there. I grabbed a coat and ran after her.

"Vic?" I ran through the halls. Nothing.

"VICTORIA?!" I yelled louder. She was no where to be seen. I felt a breeze brush past me. The doors to the apartment building swung open and shut. I ran out the door and into the streets of National City.

Yikes dramaaaa:) How would you guys feel if I brought in the Flash in the future? Xxx

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