Chapter 6

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Victoria's Pov

Kara, Mon-El and I were at the weird blood testing place. Apparently all the people on Kara's list all had blood work done before they disappeared. Originally, Kara and I were supposed to go. But Mon-El tagged along. We sat on the chairs waiting.

"Question, do you think I'm more of a Goofus or more of a Gallant?" Mon-El asked looking down at a magazine.

I rolled my eyes. "Goofus" Kara and I answered.

Suddenly a man walked out. He wore a white coat and had glasses on.

"Well, well, well, well, well hello" the man chirped. We murmured back with a "hi" and "hello".

"They told me three strapping young millennials had dropped by, and here you are. "

"Yes, we, uh, we work out a lot. "

"Yeah, we just wanted to, uh, get a better idea of what you do here before jumping in." I nodded.

"We looked at your website, it just said you can make quick cash."  Kara said, slightly smiling.

"Yeah, and we're trying to save up for a trip to Paris city." Mon-El stated. I leaned over to him.

"It's just Paris." I whispered to him.

"Paris." He corrected himself. I groaned to myself. What an idiot(if you know where this line comes from, I love you). Well he has never read anything about earth. So I shouldn't be quick to judge. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Kara said, "um, well actually we can't give blood."

"It's against our religion." I spoke, shifting awkwardly on my feet.

"Yes. Yes we are very religious." Mon-El said.

"Very into our Gods." He added. I stared at him. He really needs to shut his mouth before he blows our cover.

"God." Kara corrected him.

"One, God."

After much more chit chat, as to what most humans on Earth say. He led us all into a room.  It was dark and there was a huge round thing inside.

"You stand here." He ordered directing Kara. He put Mon-El next to her and I behind them. He started to type on the keyboard. The machine started to rattle and light up.

"What is that?"

"You waned to travel." The man told us, smirking evilly. He transformed into an alien.
Three men grabbed us. Kara kicked the guy behind her into the wall. I turned to the guy that held me and punched him in the face. He grunted, I turned him around and kicked his back making him fly right next to the guy Kara had beaten up. The guy holding Mon-El was on the floor. The weird doctor man, who has turned into an alien, ran into the machine. Kara took her glasses off, along with her clothes. Unveiling her Supergirl suit. How exactly did she manage to wear it underneath her clothes with no hassle? No clue. She turned to us before going in.

"Tell Alex what happened to me and make sure a strike team follows me." She ordered.

"I'm going in there"

"Kara! We don't know what's on the other side!" I yelled to her.

"Izzy's on the other side and that's all that matters." She said before running into the machine.

"I'm going after her." My brother told me. I looked at him. I grabbed onto his arm.

"No! You can't! It can be dangerous there Mon-El." I yelled. He looked down at me.

"I'll be fine. Just go to the DEO and tell Alex what happened." He gripped onto my shoulders.

"But-" I started to talk but he cut me off. Rude.

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