Chapter 10

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Victoria's Pov:
<time skip to the next day>

Mon-El and Kara were inside the training room. I watched from the upper balcony, as a ball shot lasers and what nots at them. I decided to take a walk, since the stimulation may take some time. I ended up on the first floor, where all the controls were. Winn sat in his chair fiddling with his keyboard. I slowly walked towards his chair.

"BOO!" I grasped his chair, and quickly pulled it back. Winn jolted up and turned to me with his fist raised up. I smirked, "You know, you'll just end up hurting yourself...again." He glared at me, slumping back into his chair. "I'm aware." He muttered. I leaned against the table facing him.

"So, aren't you supposed to be training with Kara?" He asked, typing away on his keyboard. I nodded crossing my arms. "Yeah, but Mon-El's going first." He blankly stared at the computer screen. My eyebrows furrowed as I looked at him.

"What's wrong? You look sad." He sighed and sat up. He looked around leaning in. "It's the whole Guardian thing." He whispered. I glared at him.  "You still didn't tell Kara about that?!" I whisper yelled back. Alex, who happened to be passing butted in.

"She knows about Guardian too??" She whisper shouted. She leaned over the table gripping onto Winn's collar. For a human, she's pretty damn strong. "She found out last night! It was James's fault!" I sighed.

"You know, this would be easier if you just told Kara! It's not fair." I scolded, glaring at him. "Exactly that's what I've been telling him, for days." Alex rolled her eyes, letting go of Winn.

"Hey guys! What are you talking about?" We all turned to the voice. Kara, dressed in her Supergirl suit, walked towards us. We all tensed up, looking at each other for an excuse.

"Um, a-an...." Winn glanced at me and Alex. Alex's eyes widened. "Um, a weird alien dude I met. Y-yeah." She answered. Kara gave us a weird look, but shook it off.

" Vic its your turn!" I jumped up from my stop and skipped to Kara. We walked into the training room. There were two cardboard people standing in the back. "So our task, keep the people protected. Don't let any of the lasers harm them." She pointed out. I nodded, taking a look around my surroundings.

"Ok. You ready."

"Yup." Suddenly the simulation began to start. A ball came out from the roof and started to shoot lasers at us. I used my super speed to get to the 'human', jumping over a ledge. I stood in front of the cardboard human and used my arms to block the lasers. Suddenly, Kara used her heat vision, and shot the ball. It exploded and fell to pieces. Kara turned to me, "Since when did you have super speed?" I shrugged and replied, "Found out yesterday." Two other cardboard humans popped up. One was a little girl and the other was Winn. I glanced at Kara and laughed. I felt confident and told Kara. "I've got this." Kara looked taken back, but stood back smiling. The ball came out of the roof again, and started to shoot lasers. I used my super speed to pick up the cardboard girl and Winn. I dashed over to Kara and set them beside her. I stood in front of them, blocking more lasers. I used my freeze breath and froze the lasers coming at us. They fell to the floor cracking. I flew up to the ball and punched it. It crumbled to the ground, making my grin. 

"End simulation!" I heard Kara say. I turned around to her and asked, "How'd I do?!" I skipped over to her. She laughed and placed an arm around me, "Amazing! You're perfect! Also better than your brother, one of the cardboard humans lost a head." I cringed as we made our way to the main floor. Kara went to work,so I hung out with Winn while the day passed. I held my hand in the palms of my hand. 

"Sooo, I heard you made Kara's Supergirl suit." I played with a random toy on his desk. He glanced at me, before looking back at his computer. "Yup." 

"Maybe you can make mine some day." I told him smiling. Winn stopped typing on his keyboard and smiled at me. "I'd be honored to." We both grinned at each other. Alex who passed by smirked at us. "Why are you two so happy?" she asked. I sat up straight. "Winn's making my super suit!" 

Alex walked to our side of the table and I moved over in my seat. She sat on the small space I left for her. "Hey! I heard how practice went with Kara! She's thinking about letting you fight with her." I was excited, you know to fight crime and keep this city safe.

{Later on that day}

"Hey how about we go out for lunch?" Winn asked. 

"I'm up for it! Let me get my coat." I super speed to where my coat was. You know, super speed is actually coming in handy. I sped back to Winn, who was taken back by the gust of wind I caused. I slid on my thin brown cardigan, when Winn said "You look nice by the way." I wore a white long sleeves top, tucked into a black jean skirt, that showed my curves. My black ankle boots made me near Winn's height. I felt a tiny blush creep onto my cheeks. "Thanks" 

"Let's go I'm starving!" Winn slung his arm around me as we exited the DEO. I raised my eyebrow and stopped walking. 

"What?" Winn asked. I smirked, "Well if you're so hungry, why don't I super speed us there?" Winn pointed at me with a mischievous look, "Ahhh I like the way you think." Winn told me where to go and I ran us over there. We landed at the front of the building, thankfully no one was passing by at the moment. Winn opened the door for me and we got a table. The place was called Noonan's. Winn ordered a burger with fries. I decided on getting a hot dog with a side of fries. 

"We'll both have a coke." Winn told the waitress. She wrote it down on her notepad, and walked away. I gave Winn a confused look, "What's a coke?" 

"It's a drink people on Earth drink." The waitress soon came back with two glasses of dark liquid with tiny bubbles in them. Once she placed them in front of us, Winn nodded at the drink. I sipped from the straw, "Ooo! It's fizzy!" I took more sips. 

"Is it good?" I nodded and sat up in my seat. "So are you and James going out again?" Winn's face scrunched up, "For what?" I glared at him and whisper shouted, "You know what!" 

"Oh, maybe...yes. Why?" he squinted his eyes at me. I squirmed in my seat. "Can I come?!" Winn shook his head at me. "No! No no no, nope. You are not coming with us. You could get hurt." He replied, pointing at me. I bursted out laughing at him. "Winn! Don't you remember I'm an alien!" His eye widen as he cupped his hand over my mouth. A man walking pass us gave us a weird look. 

"U-uh she has an extraordinary imagination...for a grown adult." he stuttered. The man left making Winn sigh. "Look last time your brother asked me to take him somewhere with me, it didn't end well. And I'm not risking my job again, so no." he sternly told me. I frowned and sat back in my seat. "Fine." 

"Don't be mad at me." He reasoned, reaching for my hand. I gave his hand a squeeze and smiled. "I'm not." He winched pulling his hand away. I gasped, "Oh my Rao, I'm so sorry!" He chuckled shaking his hand, "It's all good." 

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